How To Manifest Your Soulmate - 3 Key Steps To Make It Happen

How to manifest your soulmate - Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine shares her tips for successful manifesting.

As a Manifestation Coach, I get a lot of people coming to me wanting to know how they can manifest their soulmate.

I frequently get requests from people who desire to get out of the dating scene and settle down with their one and only (and this is even more apparent since covid).


In fact, out of all the things I help people use the law of attraction for, manifesting a soulmate seems to be the one that holds the most importance.


And I get why!


Manifesting a soulmate is an issue particularly close to my heart because I was single for 5 years straight!


I  remember crying in the back of taxi's at 3am sobbing to myself that I was never going to meet the one!


So I know what it’s like to want (more than anything) to manifest your soulmate.


But what I also know, is that it doesn’t have to be that way!


You have the power to manifest your soulmate - you just have to know how!


In all my years of practicing the law of attraction, helping my clients , friends and family manifest love (as well as successfully manifesting my own soulmate), I have narrowed the process down to 3 key steps.


How To Manifest Your Soulmate - 3 Key Steps



Step 1. Heal from past lovers


This is such a critical step in manifesting your soulmate but often one that is overlooked.

How can you expect to attract a loving relationship when you are energetically still caught up with your ex?

This is like walking around with a sign on your forehead that reads “unavailable”.

The universe can pick up on those #vibes and so can your future prospects!

You need to rid yourself of that person for good, or at least until you have manifested your soulmate!

This may sound harsh, but keeping that person around will affect your chances of calling in the one, so it’s better to make a clean break and (if you wish) resume a friendship at a later date.

In addition to removing them physically, you also need to remove them energetically.

One of the healing exercises I perform with my clients is an energetic cord cutting that allows the person to resolve their past issues and break free from their ex lover.

You can also perform a simplified version of this yourself at home by getting into a meditative state, visualising a cord between you and your ex and then imagining yourself cutting it.

This exercise can be incredibly powerful when performed correctly and I believe is key part of being able to manifest your soulmate!

*If you are struggling to resolve past issues and cut energetic cords I have a powerful process available in my manifestation course.


Step 2. Call in your soulmate


The second step to manifest your soulmate is to call them in. The best way to do this is by using an ancient manifestation list writing technique.

I have used this same technique to manifest everything from apartments, jobs, a new scooter and of course my soulmate ;)

*If you want to learn my process for writing a manifestation list click here.

In essence, what this list does, is specify what characteristics you want your soulmate to have and then ask the universe to deliver him to you!

To write your list, all you need to do is grab a pen and paper and write down all the attributes you want your soulmate to have.

You then need to place a date on that list which states the date you want to have manifested him by.

For example: Universe please deliver my soulmate to me by the 30th June 2020 - in this lifetime please!

*Be sure to put "in this lifetime", otherwise you could end up manifesting him for next lifetime, and I'm sure that's not what you want!

After you have written the list you then need to release your desire to the universe.

You cannot be “attached” or coming from a place of “need” as this will keep him from manifesting!

However hard it might seem, you need to find a way to be fulfilled without this person, for it is then that he will show up and you will have a truly successful relationship.


Step 3. Become an energetic match to your soulmate


The third and final step you need to master in order to manifest your soulmate is to become an energetic match to them!

What I mean by that is you need to be in the same vibrational field.

For example, if one of the characteristics on your manifestation list is that he needs to be fit, healthy and active, you need to ask yourself:

Am I fit, healthy and active?


If not, then you need to start acting that way!

Begin working out, change your diet or start a meditation practice!

Another example would be if you want to manifest a soulmate who is funny. You need to ask yourself:

Do I laugh often?

If not, then perhaps you should go to comedy night or watch more funny movies!

Becoming an energetic match to your soulmate works from a vibrational standpoint and a logical standpoint.

Vibrationally you start to emit a frequency out to the universe that is similar to what you want to attract back (#YourVibeAttractsYourTribe), and logically you have now put yourself in the vicinity of where this person hangs out!

Who knows, you might just meet your soulmate at the gym ;)

Lastly, I always recommend my clients spend time visualising what their life will be like when their soulmate has manifested.

This is one of the most important steps because you need to CONTINUE to bring yourself into alignment with your manifestation in order for it to show up in your reality.

My favourite way to do this is by creating a vision board which you can look at every day that will get you into the correct FEELING space for your soulmate to show up.

*If you want to learn my powerful secrets for creating a vision board that actually works for attracting your soulmate, sign up for my free vision board training here.


When I look back at at my single days, and those lonely cab rides at 3am wondering if I would ever meet the one, I can clearly see the steps that I took which were the most important in making my soulmate finally manifest…

- Healing from my past relationships

- Calling-in the specific person I desired

- Making sure I was an energetic match

- Using vision boards to get myself into alignment on a daily basis

And not only that but, because I have helped so many others manifest their soulmate I know that it works!

Today I am eternally grateful for calling in a life-partner who is my perfect match, and we have been together for 12 years.

Example of successfully manifesting a soulmate - Juliette Kristine with her husband and partner of 12 years.

If you are interested in learning my specific methods for calling in your desires with more ease - you can get started with my free vision board masterclass where I cover exactly how I manifested my soulmate, dream home, ideal pregnancy and a fully booked coaching business using the power of vision boards and manifestation.

Everything you need to know about manifesting your soulmate using the power of the law of attraction and vision boards!

Juliette xx