How To Manifest A Successful Business - 10 Energetic Principles

Lately I have been getting lots of people asking me questions about how I manifested my business success.

  • Did you need capital to start your business?

  • How did you get to where you are today?

  • What do you think the biggest contributing factors to your success have been?

While I can’t answer every question that comes through to my inbox, I do think these are incredibly important questions for entrepreneurs looking to manifest success in business and I have SO much to share on them so I decided to put everything down on paper.

I also feel this post is quite timely given I just celebrated my biggest month everrr in business in January WITHOUT launching, pushing or posting reels every day!


So first, let's discuss the elephant in the room.

How do you determine what is business success that may have come about through ‘strategy’ and what is success that has been ‘manifested’?

The Difference Between

‘Manifesting’ A Successful Business

& Success Created Through ‘Strategy’

Let’s discuss…

When you use manifestation to align yourself with the successful business you want to create and you use your intuition to lead the way, often your intuition will GUIDE you to ‘the strategy’. 

However, there are also times where you manifest success in your business but there’s absolutely no ‘strategic’ explanation (my favorite kind) and this proves how powerful your ENERGY is when creating success in your life and business.

Here are some examples of things I have ‘manifested’ in business where there was no strategy which SHOWS success can be manifested -

➤ Attracting over half a million readers to my blog

23+ High profile media appearances

➤ A fully booked coaching business 6+ years running with soulmate clients with very little help from business coaches

450+ students without big launches or excessive posting on social media 

➤ I’ve also never had to take a business loan (even to start my business) because I manifested the perfect part-time job to support me while I built my business.

I worked part-time hours, earning a full time salary and in an office where I could study (at work) and I had plenty of time to coach clients 💅🏻

I purposefully and intentionally manifested this job to SUPPORT me while I built my business. Just as I have helped many others manifest their dream job.


Now, someone could look at my business and TODAY and try to reverse engineer it, saying that my blog for example is a ‘strategy’ I used that is responsible for my success. 

Buttt, it was manifestation that led me to blogging.

I created the success with my blog with very little SEO knowledge and my blogs that have driven the most traffic where topics that I started writing about BEFORE people were searching for them. 

Yes, that’s right, I was intuitively tapping into a need in the market ahead of time. 

This isn’t an SEO strategy I could have been taught by someone. It came about through manifestation and using my intuition to ‘know’ what to post and when.


Now I’ve covered what manifesting success in business is and examples of what it looks like (including evidence from my own life), let’s talk about HOW to manifest a successful business.

How To Manifest A Successful Business - 10 Energetic Principles

I decided to break this post up into 10 energetic principles because while there is a specific manifesting framework I use repeatedly to create success like manifesting clients, media appearances, students etc (which I talk about in #3).

There are other aspects that are important to consider which will change your energy and what you’re able to call-in.

Let’s discuss…

1. Master Your Craft

One of my mottos to manifest a successful business is this: 

Be so good at what you do that you wow people!

From the moment I started my coaching business (and to this day) I put a huge emphasis on delivering excellence, mastering my craft, and serving at a high level.

I always
intend that every person I get off a coaching call with says, “wow!”. 

Today this is my reality.


I’m sharing this not to brag but because it’s all too easy to place your attention on what you want to ‘get’ in business (especially in the early days).

I want to make $500k annual revenue.

I want to serve high end clients etc.

But the truth is, if you want to ‘get’ $500k annual revenue you have to GIVE this amount of value.

The intention I carry and my choice to make what I OFFER such a big focus of my business has helped me manifest business success through: exceptional client results, high client retention rates (some of my clients stay working with me for YEARS) and lots of referrals. 

If you want to have a successful business long term make it a priority to be the BEST at what you do.

*And this doesn’t just apply to service based businesses, it applies to product based businesses too!

There’s no better way to promote yourself and your business than having customers, clients and students who are so ecstatic they can’t help but promote your business to their friends AND if possible they continue to book you again and again!


2. Get Help When You Need It

Getting help is a necessary part of manifesting business success for the simple reason that:

If you don't feel held and supported, how do you expect to be able to HOLD your next-level of success in your business?

Your nervous system needs to be able to handle it!


One thing I have learnt (especially since becoming a mum of 2) is that; 

The more held and supported I feel in my life, the more success I attract in my business because I'm able to HOLD the energy of these new experiences.

If I don't feel supported, I can block new levels of wealth and success because subconsciously 

"I don't want to take more on".

Before I started my business as a Manifestation Coach I had a product based development business for nearly 10 years and although I had some success it was fleeting.

My business was always bleeding money, I was in a feast and famine cycle and in an energy of need (not surrender) so I could never manifest the success I wanted.

A huge difference between my first business and this one is that I'm always looking at how I can  support myself so I CAN grow.

Sometimes this could be investing in a program, working with a specific coach or healer, getting a nanny to come once a week so I can have some time off, house cleaners, or even just getting regular massages.

Yes these things cost money, but one thing I learnt from being in ‘survival mode’ in my first business is that:

If you can’t afford to invest in yourself and your business at all, you’re likely end up in an energy of ‘need’ (and burnout) where you’re trying to chase after success and therefore repelling it (because you can’t be in a state of ‘need’ and a vibrational match to success they are contradicting energies).

Furthermore, if you don’t feel held and supported you can block your next-level coming through because you won’t want to add more to your plate!

If this is the case you are probably better off manifesting a part-time job to support you WHILE you build your business so you can get the support you need.

This isn’t about spending lavishly, it's about being able to SUPPORT yourself where you are on your journey so you can take on more because more success will bring a new energy.


3. A Manifestation Practice That Works

I think this one goes without saying, in order to MANIFEST a successful business you need to have a day-to-day manifestation practice that works.

A framework that you can use to attract specific things in your biz like: money, soul aligned clients, customers, business opportunities, media appearances, increase your social media following, a lucrative part-time job if you need it (just like these students of mine below) 👇🏼


Where people can get tripped up in this is not realizing that successful manifesting actually relies on 3 different things.

1. Surrender - you need to be able to drop into a state of surrender THROUGHOUT the manifesting process (not as a “last step” like other courses teach). This way you’re never in a vibration of lack.

2. Alignment - techniques to fast-track your alignment so you can manifest your next-level easily by becoming an ‘energetic match’ to what you want.

3. Actively Call-in processes to speed up your manifesting without pushing or writing down what you want 5000 times or staring at your vision board for hours on end. Because let's face it, you've got more important things to do!


Why this process works:

If you try and actively call-in what you want using techniques like affirmations and visualization but you’re not surrendered, it won’t work because you'll be in a vibration of lack.

The techniques will just enhance the gap between where you are and where you want to be (a bit like slapping a bandaid on a broken leg).

You will know this is happening because your manifesting won't feel good. You'll be pushing and forcing your manifesting trying to 'make up' for the sense of lack you feel within.

When you follow the method above you learn how to surrender throughout the manifesting process, align with the energy of what you want and then actively call in your desires from an energy that’s WHOLE and complete.

This means the techniques you use help to CLOSE the gap between where you are and where you want to be. 

The result?

Faster, easier, more powerful manifesting!

If you want to learn how to do this, this is everything I teach inside The Surrender Approach Manifesting Course.

This is the exact framework I still follow TODAY to manifest: clients, students, business opportunities, media appearances, blog readers and more.


4. Build a Strong Brand

If you want to have a hugely successful business building a strong brand is going to HELP you massively. 

It's going to be ‘the thing’ that sets you apart from other businesses and attracts the right people to you. 

From an energetic perspective, imagine your business is its own entity and has its own energy and vibration, and your brand is like its aura ✨

The FEELING that someone gets when they come in contact with your brand (the energy surrounding the business) has the ability to create STRONG emotional connections that make people say: “Yes I want this!”.

When you have a strong and powerful brand that’s dialled in to match the energy of your ‘perfect fit’ client or customer you will naturally attract and manifest success without having to push as hard for it.



This principle isn’t necessary for all types of businesses but it is especially important if your business is a personal brand for example if you’re a coach, healer, consultant.

Here’s where this comes into play…

We are in an era where content creation and the way people search for and gather information is changing rapidly. 

People can write blogs and social media posts in seconds using AI. 

Where this can become a ‘problem’ is when your content becomes diluted in a sea of “sameness”. 

Do you think you’d be interested in my blogs if I was just regurgitating the same old ‘generic’ manifestation tips?


I don’t think so!

To quote Ryan Law from Ahrefs: “AI content is short-term arbitrage, not a long-term strategy.”

Also, I don’t know about you but I can usually tell when something was written using AI and it can be a really big turn off!

If you want to be wildly successful in business you need to have your OWN opinion and if possible take a stand in your industry.


For example, as a Manifestation Coach all of my methods and techniques have been channeled by me (so they are unique).

My teachings didn’t come from reading a book or regurgitating other people’s thoughts. People come to me because they know they will learn to manifest in a new way.

Rather than following the mainstream I take a ‘stand’ in the industry which offers a different perspective and this is made up of 2 parts:

  1. You can’t manifest without SURRENDER.

    2. In order to manifest from a place of surrender you need to be able to ‘let go’ while also aligning with the energy of what you want (which is what I teach people how to do).

Because I take this ‘stand’ in the industry, I author my own content and I have my own framework that provides the exact solution to the issue of people not being able to manifest what they want. This is my framework: The Surrender Approach

This acts as a strong vibrational signal (just like a strong brand) which attracts my soulmate clients, students, media appearances and business opportunities to me.

People who are an energetic match to me say yes quickly because of these things.


6. Play The Long Game 

Even though I manifested some success into my business quickly - (and I’m all about fast, easy manifesting!)

There are other things that took TIME. 

And here’s the thing…

Sometimes you need more time - to do more work on yourself or master a new skill - so you can become a vibrational match to your next-level and what you’ve asked for!

Furthermore you need to be in a state of SURRENDER when you’re manifesting.

You want to be able to - 



That’s 👆🏼not the right energy to manifest in.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t speed up the process, you definitely can, that’s not the point I want to make.

The point I want to make is that, when you play the long game you allow yourself to KEEP following your intuitive impulses REGARDLESS of what your current circumstances are showing you.


I believe that this is paramount for 2 reasons.

1. In business you need to be able to see things through and stick with them despite the hiccups.

Sometimes those ‘hiccups’ are actually experiences that are helping you to REFINE yourself, your product or offer so you can BECOME a match to the version of ‘success’ you want.

2. In manifesting you need to be able to TRUST your vision and where you’re going despite what’s happening in your day-to-day life.

Business isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, it can be HARD. But you can’t let a ‘hard’ day force you into making bad decisions (like giving up) when something just needs more time.

One of my greatest strengths as an entrepreneur (and a contributing factor to my success) is that I ALWAYS play the long game.

I never let what I can see in my reality dictate my decisions. If I did I would have thrown in the towel 100 times by now 👋🏻


7. Invest In Yourself - You Are Your Most Important Asset!

You are the most important asset in your business!

This is even more true if you’re a personal brand or business where you are the one needed to make money.

When you invest in yourself and grow your skills you put yourself in a position where you can make more money because you have more value to offer other people. 

This HELPS you manifest success by increasing your confidence and level of self-worth.

When you KNOW that you can deliver exceptional results for people this energy acts like a magnet and helps you to create more success in your business because you become an energetic match to the type of clients/customers that you want.

This is especially true if your business is already established and you want to take it to new levels of income and impact because you can create new income streams.

Last year I became a Certified Akashic Record Reader and delivering Akashic Record Readings added a whole new level of power and dimension to my work as Manifestation Coach. It’s had a direct impact on my income and success because I have something entirely new to offer and it has allowed me to go even deeper with the work I already do. 


Investing in yourself can make you more money!

Similarly to “getting help when you need it”, investing in yourself doesn't need to be extravagant, or put you under pressure financially, if you’re just starting out, start small and build from there.


8. Develop Strong Boundaries

The more money you make the stronger your boundaries need to be!

This is because, the more successful you are, the more people will want you, your time/advice and the less of it you’ll have to give.

When you move to new levels of success in business often the universe will test you to see if you can ‘handle’ your next-level.

For example, you may get new clients coming in but then you’re also receiving lots of people wanting free advice over email.

A question you need to ask yourself is…

If I want more customers/clients can my current business foundations and the way I’m operating support it?

If you’re the one responding to every email enquiry and exhausting yourself, is this an activity you can continue to do if you double your client load?

If not, start making changes to support the future version of your business NOW.

Also, just know, this is not a one and done thing. With each level you go to, boundaries will be tested and need to become stronger.


9. Trust Yourself And Your Intuition

When I first started out as a Manifestation Coach a business coach told me that she didn’t think I’d be able to create the type of success I wanted without using paid ads.

A few months later I became fully booked.

This coach then became one of my clients.

I’m not saying this to brag, just to point out that -

Your path to success doesn’t (and often won’t) come from following exactly what someone else has done - especially when you're manifesting success!


This is because…

Through USING manifestation you’re able to clearly define exactly what “success in business” looks like to you. 

Once you align yourself with that vision, your intuition will guide you to the EXACT steps that you need to take to make it happen in the most easy and aligned way possible.

Although you may have a similar business structure to someone or use the same marketing channels, know that there will be nuances.

 You’ll be focusing on a version of a successful business which is yours only, coupled with your personal strengths, soul gifts and overall purpose this lifetime which will make your path unique.

For this reason you need to be able to TRUST your intuition. It will be able to tell you things about your path to success that a business strategist won’t necessarily know or be able to ‘see’.


10. Learn It All And Then Outsource 

This last point may be a little controversial.

There are lots of people out there who teach that you should outsource everything you’re not good at or don’t want to do from the very beginning.

However, I have personally found that learning how to “do it all” in my business and then outsource has contributed to its success.

From the beginning of my business I have been able to: run my own social media, create my own content, create web pages, set up funnels, email campaigns, create courses, design workbooks and PDF’s, record meditations and so on.

By learning how to “do it all” in the beginning I have always been in a position of power. If something goes wrong or needs changing/updating I can do it - quickly. 

If my intuition told me to launch a new offer tomorrow I could act FAST, never needing to rely on anyone if I didn’t want to.

Understanding all of the different aspects of my business and learning how to “do it all” enabled me to connect more deeply with the energy of certain aspects.

For example: I’ve read emails from successful coaches/consultants where I could intuitively tell that their marketing team put the email together (which is fine).

But I couldn't feel their energy in the email at all. 

Which is ultimately what would make me buy from them.

In my business, it's very important that people can FEEL my energy - in my posts, social media, blogs, emails etc. These are things I don’t believe should be outsourced when you’re a personal brand (except the ‘admin’ side of it).

By being involved in all aspects of my business in the beginning I have been able to make sure my energy is felt and therefore know exactly what parts I can outsource to make it easier.


In closing, manifesting a successful business requires both a manifesting framework and specific energetic principles which can help you organically attract what you want without having to chase after it!

When you have a great manifesting framework you can use it to attract specific desires like: soulmate clients, customers, business opportunities, media appearances.

And, when you work with the energetic principles mentioned in this post, like: mastering your craft, getting help, setting boundaries, becoming a thought leader, having a powerful brand etc - you naturally set your business up in such a way that it MAGNETIZES success.

J xx

PS I’ll leave you with some more inspirational stories on manifesting business success from my students below.