Manifesting Business Success: How I Recently Manifested A 57% Increase In Conversions

Do you want to manifest more success in your business?

I have a manifesting story to share with you today about how I recently manifested a 57% increase in conversions (without advertising or having a social post go viral!).

In this post I’m going to share my story as well as break down my 4 step process for manifesting business success no matter what level you’re currently at.


First, let me start by saying my web traffic did go up slightly during this period but nowhere near enough to explain this uptick in my conversions.

Plus, it’s not just me experiencing these results. As a Manifestation Coach I have hundreds of students in my manifesting course and private clients with similar stories.

Take a look at these post below 👇🏼

Manifesting Business Success in the form of: TV Appearances on the DR Oz show, BBC Radio Interviews, $30k unexpected income, New Clients (without selling), 7 Million IG Views & Doubled Social Following…

Let’s discuss…

This year there has been a lot of comments from people in the online space about…

  • Conversion rates are down

  • The industry isn’t the same as it was (I’m referring to coaching and online education)

  • People aren’t buying the way they used to

While I 100% believe these statements to be true, my experience with manifesting success in my life and business has never occurred by following mainstream advice. 

In fact, a business coach told me in 2017 she didn’t think I’d be able to create the level of success in my business that I wanted without paid ads. 

A few months later I was fully booked. 

This coach then became one of my clients.

I want to break down some of these action steps for you so you can see what 4 main things I focused on this year were from an energetic/manifestation standpoint that led to this business success.

Let’s dive in…

Manifesting Business Success: How I Manifested A 57% Increase In Conversions

1. Clarity and Intention

The first step I took to manifest more business success was to get crystal clear on what success looked like.

At the beginning of the year I created a vision board that clearly depicted me as an ‘in demand’ coach. Even though I already had my coaching spots filled, this was about desiring a ‘buzz’ around my work, a new level of high end clients, more income and a bigger impact. 

This was not an ego based desire, rather, I felt a new energy entering my life and a higher calling around my business and work which I anchored myself to. 

It was time for me to move to a new level 🔥

Psss If you want to learn how to create vision boards like mine above 👆🏼 click here.

2. Move Through Your Blocks

The next step I took was to move through my blocks when they appeared.

I recognised the tests the universe was sending me and worked through them to become a match to my desires.

One thing I say in The Surrender Approach is -

“Every time you place your intentions out to the universe, the universe will show you what parts of yourself you need to clear and heal in order to make it a reality.”

Just because I received the manifestation, doesn’t mean that my year was smooth sailing.

I was tested this year (more than once). I had doubts, fear, resistance, stress, questioning myself, sleep deprivation with a new baby, challenging moments with a 4 year old even times where I felt triggered around money/business.

But, I knew these were experiences that I needed to move through to BECOME an energetic match to what I was asking for.

They were reshaping and remolding me.

They were part of the process. They were part of my manifestation.

3. Follow Your Intuition

The next step I took was to prioritize intuition over “strategy” when it came to taking action.

I had very little time to work this year with a new baby and 4 year old, so there was no time for me to “do all the things”.

I couldn’t dedicate hours and hours each day to social media, blogging, podcast interviews and the like (nor would I want to).

I had to TRUST my intuition on exactly what actions to take.

This meant saying goodbye to my plans to launch a Podcast this year. Even though logically this should have been The Strategy to create demand and buzz in my business 😂 but my intuition said no.

Instead I felt guided to up-level my brand, update my testimonials (you can read amazing new stories here), invest in myself and my own psychic and energetic gifts.

I wanted to match the vibration of the person on my vision board and the ‘higher calling’ I felt around my work. I became a Certified Akashic Record Reader and started to use this to help my clients get even bigger results.

I raised my standards, changed my self concept.

This shift in energy was felt by others.

Zero need for pushy marketing tactics.

4. Make Surrender A Priority Not An Afterthought

Lastly, I used manifestation techniques throughout the year to assist me in manifesting business success.

For example, I used visualization and a process called magnetising (which I teach in The Surrender Approach) where I actively imagined calling in a large group of clients.

Now here’s the catch on how I did this differently…

Other manifesting resources teach that to follow steps like: creating your vision board, saying affirmations, scripting about your ideal life and then finally you ‘let go’ of your manifestation.

The problem with this is, if you’re in an attached state when you’re following the steps, they won’t be properly aligning you with the energy of your desire, or calling in what you want. In fact they’ll be causing more resistance.

Here’s an example…

Imagine you want to manifest weight loss really badly, it's all you can think about, so you try to visualize, script and affirm.

Push push pushing for it to happen!

If you’re not surrendered these actions can make you MORE attached. When this occurs, these actions aren’t aligning you, they’re making the gap between you and your desire bigger.

What you need to do is use manifesting techniques that help you drop into a state of surrender while at the same time aligning you with what you want.

This way when you script, visualize and affirm you won’t be doing it from a vibration of lack. Therefore the techniques will actually work to ‘close the gap’ and call-in what you want.

These 4 actions were my priority this year and while I still wrote blogs, sent emails and showed up on social media I did so minimally.

It was the combination of all of these things that led to my results and this is the same process I have been following since I started my business in 2016 which helped me manifest other successes in my business like:

  • Becoming Fully Booked 6+ years running

  • Manifesting over 23+ high profile media appearances

  • Attracting high profile clients like: 7 figure business owners, CEO’S, Actors, Successful music producers and more.

  • Creating a blog thats reached over 600,000 readers

    I wanted to send this to you as a reminder that YOU are the source of your success.


    You are capable of manifesting what you want, in your own way, regardless of what others in your industry are saying or doing!

Juliette xx

PS If you want to go deeper with my work you can grab a copy of my Free Manifesting Ritual or come join me inside my Free Vision Board Workshop.