How To Discover Your Soul’s Purpose Using Manifestation

Tips on how to discover your soul’s purpose in life using the art of manifestation.

Discovering your soul’s purpose is a topic very close to my heart because, for many years, this was something I struggled with myself. 

In fact, I can clearly remember spending hours on end Googling things like: life purpose, dharma, soul purpose and even looking to numerology and astrology to give me the answers I was searching for but all these things did was leave me feeling more and more confused.

That was until, I began using manifestation as a tool to get clear on what it was my soul came here to do.

Not only did the veil of confusion finally lift, but something magical happened…

I stopped chasing my soul’s purpose and instead allowed it to come to me. 

Today, I feel incredibly blessed to (not only) have found my purpose but to be able to help so many others do the same through manifestation coaching, and Akashic Record Readings.

If you are someone who has been struggling to find clarity in this area here are 3 steps you can take to discover your soul’s purpose using manifestation.

3 Steps To Discover Your Soul’s Purpose Using Manifestation

Step 1. Change Your Focus 

Part of the reason so many people struggle with finding their purpose is because they are actually focusing on the problem rather than the solution.

What I mean by this is, if you are someone who spends countless hours; consulting gurus, reading books and Googling things like:

“What is my purpose?”

Without even realising it, what you are actually doing is activating more of the vibration of “not knowing”.

You are, in a sense, focusing more and more on what you don’t” have. 

And the trick to making manifestation work in your life is to focus all of your energy (not on the problem) and where you are, but on the solution and where you want to be!

This is why the first step to using manifestation to discover your soul’s purpose is to change your focus.

You need to start imagining yourself having already found your purpose because in doing so you will start to draw that reality to you. 

The easiest (and most powerful) way to do this is by creating a vision board that focuses on what your life will be like once you have discovered this purpose.

To make your board effective, think about how you will feel once you have discovered your purpose (for example: fulfilled, passionate, excited, peaceful) and what type of images you can use to evoke those emotions.

Additionally, you want to include images that depict the type of work you currently feel drawn to. 

Ask yourself…

What type of career is calling me? 

What am I passionate about?

What am I good at?

Adding images of these types of images will help you focus on what you already know (and what excites you) which will help you attract even greater clarity in this area. 

Step 2. Affirm Your New Reality

After you have switched your focus from where you are to where you want to be, the second step you must take is to then affirm your new reality.

Now, when I say “affirm your new reality” I am not suggesting you pick an affirmation such as “I know my purpose”. 

Because in doing so you are likely to start feeling stressed and worrying about the “how”

Instead, the best thing you can do is to come up with (what I like to call) a Power Statement

A Power Statement is similar to an affirmation except; rather than being based on the end result of what you want to achieve (which in my opinion just magnifies what you don’t have) it’s based on something you already believe to be true.

So, when I was trying to discover my purpose the Power Statement I repeated to myself was:

“I want to make a difference in other people’s lives”.

I chose this statement because; even though I had no idea what my purpose was, what I did know was that I wanted to help people.

And by affirming this daily, I was able to help make that my reality while at the same time remaining open to exactly how it would come and what it would look like. 

Step 3. Act On Your Intuition

The final step in using manifestation to discover your purpose is to act on your intuition.

This is because; once you have changed your focus and affirmed your new reality you need to start meeting the universe half-way.

A common misconception people have about manifesting is that they can sit in meditation, visualise and have everything turn up on their doorstep but that’s not the case.

You actually need to act on your intuitive impulses.

And this is because; your intuition is like your internal gps system. 

It “knows” exactly what steps you need to take in order to manifest your desires and it’s constantly sending you signals on how to do that.

You just need to trust the guidance you are being given.

This could be as simple as; deciding to take up painting, travelling to another country or even beginning a daily meditation practice. 

Whatever impulse is bubbling up within you, know that once you take that step, the next one will be revealed in perfect divine timing

*The most important thing is that you TAKE ACTION!

Finally, make sure you enjoy the journey…

See the experience of discovering your purpose as an adventure because;

The more at peace you feel within yourself the quicker you will draw your new reality to you!

Juliette xx

PS Want help with your manifesting?

This process is just a small part of what I teach.

If you’re interested in taking your manifesting to an even deeper level, sign up to my newsletter and grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual below.