How To Quickly Cleanse And Charge Your Crystals For Manifesting

Got some new crystals ready to use?

Before you jump in and start incorporating them into your manifesting practice it’s important that you take a moment to cleanse and charge your crystals.


Think of your crystals as if they were a real living person (yes, they are alive!)

When they enter your life they have a past, history, memories contained within them.

Every person that’s handled them, where they have been stored, how they have been stored, the environment they’ve been exposed to, can alter their vibrational frequency

This energy can affect how the crystal performs and what the outcome is going to be when you begin using it (which is very important when you’re manifesting!).

*Speaking of which, if you’re looking for the best crystals to use when manifesting money and success check out this post and if you want expert tips on the best crystals for love click here. Both of these posts go in-depth into how to use your crystals for manifestation.

The good news is, there are really simple methods you can use to remove unwanted or negative energy and charge them up so they are working to their full potential. 

And who doesn’t want a supercharged crystal! 💎

In this post I’ll be covering quick and easy ways to cleanse and charge your crystals through simple means like moonlight, sage, salt, water and sun (just to name a few!).

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Table of Contents

    When To Cleanse Your Crystals 

    Before I dive into the different techniques you can use for cleansing and charging your precious crystals let’s talk about when to cleanse them.

    My top recommendations for this are 👇🏼

    1. As soon as you purchase them or they first come into your home to remove and cleanse all the previous energy

    2. Prior to using them for something specific i.e. if you used your crystal for manifesting love and then want to change the intention as have it for manifesting money this is a good time to cleanse

    3. If something feels off (or intuitively you feel they need a cleanse) read my story on this below 

    When I was 14 I purchased a Hematite stone bracelet from the markets. As soon as it caught my eye I knew I had to have it! There was something about it that drew me in.

    The problem was, as soon as I began wearing it it was like I would have a really “unlucky” day. It ended up getting to the point where I stopped wearing it altogether. I knew something wasn’t right (even though I was only 14).

    Then one day, a spiritual mentor cleansed it. From that moment on the energy
    COMPLETELY changed and it became one of my most powerful pieces.

    Moral of the story…

    If something feels off with your crystal, there’s nothing wrong with the crystals itself, it just needs to be properly cleansed - trust your instincts and intuition around this 🙏🏼

    A picture of a woman's hand holding some burning Sage to represent cleansing a crystal which is different to charging

    Cleansing vs Charging Crystals

    Sometimes when people are talking about cleansing and charging crystals they use the words interchangeably. 

    While various methods for charging also work for cleansing and vice versa they are 2 different activities.

    👉🏼 Cleansing your crystals is done to remove unwanted or negative energy.

    👉🏼 Charging your crystals is done to replenish or recharge it. 

    I always prefer to separate the two activities so my intention is very clear and direct. I am either cleansing my crystals or charging them based on what I feel they most need and what I am using them for. 

    A picture of a group of crystals sitting in the sunlight to represent crystals charging which is different to cleansing

    1. Cleansing Your Crystals With Sage 

    One of the simplest and most effective ways to cleanse any crystals is using White Sage.


    Before you begin using this method you will need: 


    1 x White Sage Stick (you can purchase this through Amazon or metaphysical stores)

    1 x Fire Safe Bowl

    Matches or Lighter 

    Crystals that need cleansing


    When deciding where to cleanse your crystals choose a well ventilated area as Sage can become quite smokey when lit. Either near an open window or outside are good options. 


    Here’s how to do it:


    1. Hold the Sage stick over the fire safe bowl and light it.

    2. Gently blow on the stick to extinguish any flames visible.

    The Sage should continue to burn letting off smoke without any visible flame (see picture above of burning Sage for reference).

    3. Wave the crystal that needs cleansing back and forth through the smoke.

    4. As you are doing this process, hold the intention that the smoke is cleansing and removing all negative and unwanted energy.

    5. Continue to do this for 30 seconds - 1 minute or until you intuitively feel its enough.


    Bonus tip:

    When you are done cleansing your stones and crystals use the Sage to cleanse your home. You can wave the Sage stick around various rooms in your house and hold the intention that you’re removing negative energies. When you’re done you’ll feel the difference!

    A purple and white infographic on cleansing your crystals with Sage

    2. Cleansing Your Crystals With Incense 

    An alternative to using Sage is to cleanse your crystals with Incense or Palo Santo Sticks.

    This works in much the same way as the Sage in that the energy from the smoke cleanses lover vibrational frequencies (along with your intention of course!).

    To cleanse your crystals with Incense or Palo Santo follow the exact same procedure you use for Sage.

    When purchasing Incense make sure its good quality. 

    Types of Incense that are preferred for cleansing are: Frankincense, Palo Santo or Sage (you can purchase this as an incense), Myrrh, Lavender and Nag Champa (my favorite!).

    If you prefer to purchase Palo Santo sticks you can buy these online through places like Amazon or metaphysical stores.

    A purple and white infographic on cleansing your crystals with Incense

    3. Cleansing your Crystals With Visualization & Water

    Another simple way to cleanse your crystals is to hold them under running water and visualize them being cleansed as the water washes over them.

    Stare at the crystal and think in your mind CLEAR while visualizing any dense or negative energy being washed away 💦

    *I use this method if I’m looking to do a light, quick cleanse, whereas I will use White Sage or Palo Santo if I feel a dense energy around the crystal and want something more thorough to remove the energy.

    A purple and white infographic on cleansing your crystals with Visualization

    4. Cleansing Your Crystals With Salt Water

    I don’t often mention salt water for cleansing crystals in my other manifestation posts and this is because salt water isn’t good for all types of crystals so you need to be careful. 

    When I first started using crystals to manifest I would submerge them in a bowl of salt water overnight to cleanse them.

    I quickly learned that softer, more delicate crystals like those that end in “ite” (like Selenite) do not do well when they are exposed to water like this (oops!) 🤦🏻‍♀️

    For this reason I tend to stay away from salt water as a cleansing method.

    However, if you’ve done your research and know that the stone you want to remove negative energy from is safe in water and can be exposed to salt water, here’s the process I recommend 👇🏼

    1. Fill a bowl with water taken directly from the ocean, or use fresh water and add a small amount of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt.

    2. Submerge your stones and crystals in the water and as you do ask the water to cleanse each crystal (or just set that intention in your mind).

    3. Leave the crystals for 1 hour.

    4. Rinse with fresh water when done.

    A purple and white infographic on cleansing your crystals with Salt

    5. Cleansing Your Crystals With Clearing Sprays

    Last, but certainly not least, one of my favorite ways to cleanse a crystal quickly and easily is to use a cleansing or clearing spray such as Palo Santo Spray or White Sage Spray which can be sprayed over the crystal.  


    All you need to do is hold the crystal in your hand and spray the solution over and around it 3 - 5 times.

    Whenever I am using this approach I will hold the intention that the energy of the crystal is being cleansed as I am spraying it. 


    Often these types of sprays will also be infused with specific crystal energies that are good for cleansing and you can use them to remove unwanted energy from your Aura and space around your home.

    These types of solutions can often be purchased in metaphysical stores or on Amazon. 

    A purple and white infographic on cleansing your crystals with Clearing Spray

    When To Charge Your Crystals

    Charging your crystals is similar to cleansing your crystals in that it should be done periodically. 

    Why would you want to charge your crystals?

    Some people say that crystals can become depleted in energy (a bit like us when we haven’t had a holiday) so it's important to give them a boost from time to time.

    As someone who is very sensitive to energy (and how to channel energy to manifest), I have found that charging your crystals allows you to infuse them with added power and intention 🧘🏽‍♀️

    Think of it this way… 

    If you want your crystal to help you attract certain things into your life, you can’t just neglect it and let it sit on the shelf, you need to show it some love and attention - it will RESPOND to your energy. 

    Here are my top recommendations for when to charge your crystals 👇🏼

    1. As soon as you purchase them or they first come into your home (do this after you have cleansed them!)

    2. Prior to using them for manifestation i.e. if you want to use your crystal for manifesting love or even to help you manifest a new job you want to charge your crystal for an extra boost of power! You can read more about my exact process for manifesting a new job here

    3. If intuitively you feel they need to be charged

    1. Charging Your Crystals With Moonlight

    The full moon holds significant power and this energy can be used to charge your crystals and give them an extra BOOST.

    To use this method, place your crystals on the ground outside or on a windowsill or balcony where they can bathe in the moonlight.

    If you need the process to be quick you can leave them for 1-3 hours or, if you’re in no hurry, it's best to leave them overnight.

    As you place the crystals out prior to charging, hold each crystal in your hand one by one and set the intention that they will absorb the energy that they need from the moonlight and will be recharged.

    If there is something specific you are using the crystal to help you with adding that intention in. 

    For example: If you are charging Rose Quartz to help you manifest love, set the intention that energy will be AMPLIFIED within the crystal as it's being charged under the moonlight. 

    See the crystal in your mind's eye as being a powerful conduit for attracting love.

    A purple and white infographic on charging your crystals with Moonlight

    2. Charging Your Crystals With Sunlight 

    The warm rays and energy from the sun can also be used to charge your crystals. 

    To charge your crystals using sunlight, follow the same process as charging with moonlight…

    Place them somewhere they will be exposed to the light (like the ground outside or a windowsill) and set the intention that they will absorb the energy they need from the sun to recharge. 

    Whenever I am using sunlight to charge my crystals I will often leave them for a longer period of time than the full moon, at least a full day in the sun. 

    If you want to use the crystal for manifesting something specific, like attracting more money, set the intention that the crystal’s energy will be AMPLIFIED in this way.  

    See the crystal in your mind's eye as being a powerful conduit for attracting money.

    A purple and white infographic on charging your crystals with Sunlight

    3. Charging Your Crystals In Soil

    Another simple and effective way to charge your crystals is to bury them in the earth for 24 hours.

    Dig a small hole in the soil, place the crystal inside and set the intention that the crystal will absorb all of the energy it needs to recharge from the earth.

    Make sure you place a marker where you buried the crystal so you don’t lose it!

    If you don’t have access to soil outside you can also use a pot plant.

    Bonus Tip

    When deciding which of the 3 methods above to use for charging, think about the different energies. 

    For example moonlight is often associated with femine energy, healing, gentle and tranquil whereas the sun is associated with masculine energy, power, heat, force and the soil cooling, replenishing, grounding. 

    If you wanted to charge your crystals for helping to heal and manifest true love - the moon could be a nice option.

    If you wanted to charge your crystal for financial success - the sun could be very activating.

    Or if you wanted to charge your crystal for help grounding your energy to make you more productive at work - the soil would work well.

    A purple and white infographic on charging your crystals with Soil

    4. Charging Your Crystal With Energy

    Lastly, another way you can go about charging your crystals is by directing your own thoughts and energy onto the crystal.

    To do this hold the crystal in your hand and imagine that there is energy pouring down from the heavens into the top of your head down your arms and out through your hands into the crystal. 

    Channel the energy directly from the universe/source to your crystal.

    Visualize your crystal absorbing the energy and growing in power as it recharges.

    You may even sense it feeling warmer or beginning to vibrate or tingle - this is a good sign.

    Spend at least 10-15 minutes doing this. 

    When you feel like the crystal is nicely charged, spend some time holding it, nurturing it, getting to know it.

    Become more familiar with it.

    Then, if there’s something specific you want that crystal to help you heal, transform, manifest or attract, set the intention that energy within the crystal will be AMPLIFIED.

    A purple and white infographic on charging your crystals with Universal Energy

    In Closing

    Crystals can be a wonderful tool to help you on your manifesting journey but in order for them to work properly it's important to cleanse them and charge them as needed.


    Your crystals are like vibrating, pulsing, living beings ✨

    They store and collect energy around them as well as respond to the energy you give them.

    Treat them with love and care and they will return that energy right back. 

    As always I hope you enjoyed this post!

    If you’re looking for ways to take your manifesting to the next level here are a couple of ways I can help you:

    1. Sign up for my Free Vision Board Masterclass where I teach you how to create a supercharged vision board for manifesting your desires with ease.

    2. Download a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual that you can use to quickly raise your vibration and bring yourself into alignment with your desires. 

    A picture of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine sitting in front of crystals and cleansing tools like Sage and Clearing Spray. She sits crossed legged.

    Juliette xx