Manifesting Abundance - How To Manifest Abundance Instantly

Learn the secrets to manifesting abundance instantly.

Manifesting abundance is one of my favourite topics to discuss and this is because; abundance is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life.

And what I love discussing EVEN MORE than this topic is -


Because the truth is, abundance is available to ALL of us,  ALL the time. 

We just need to ALIGN ourselves properly with it, so it shows up in our experience. 

Which is what I’m going to be teaching you below!

3 Steps To Manifest Abundance Instantly 

Step 1. Find the Block

While you might assume that the first place to start in manifesting abundance is to focus on appreciation or the feeling of abundance, I haven’t always found this to be the case. 

And this is because;

If our manifesting efforts have STALLED, and the abundance isn’t flowing, there’s always a reason for it.

And that reason usually doesn’t have anything to do with whether you practiced your daily gratitude or not. 

Rather, it’s because you have become blocked or stuck in some area of your life, and this blockage of energy is causing the abundance to stop. 

And the difficult thing about being in a situation like this is that;

When we feel blocked or stuck, it can be difficult to take action because we aren’t sure which action to take 🤷🏻‍♀️. 

Which then creates a snowball effect.

Because when we don’t take any action, we wind up feeling even more stuck because we haven’t done anything to R E L E A S E the energy 😩.

This is why when I’m working with a client, the FIRST thing I do (before I even get to talking about manifesting abundance) is look for what is causing them to become STUCK.

Because once there is CLARITY around the issue, CLARITY can then be found on how to solve it.

And then the abundance will start to flow on its own. 

If you can FEEL within you that there is something blocking you from manifesting abundance, rather than automatically assuming that the issue has to do with money (because often it has nothing to do with money) start by evaluating your life as a whole.

Try and tap into the area of your life where you feel resistance.

Ask yourself;

Where am I not taking action in my life where I know deep down that I should?

And most importantly…

Why am I not taking action?

Often the answers to these questions will help you gain clarity around what’s blocking you.

Step 2. Release the blockage

After you have successfully tapped into what is blocking you, you need to RELEASE that blockage!

And this doesn’t necessarily have to come in the form of some kind of transformative healing experience (although often that occurs on its own as a result). 

Rather, it could be as simple as getting out a pen and paper, doing some mindset work and (most importantly), TAKING ACTION ⚡️.

Because once you take action, any kind of fears or limiting beliefs that you have (which may have been cutting the abundance off), will usually DISSOLVE, because you have proved them false in your experience. 

Now, I will be honest about something here...

Even though the answer might be simple, it won’t always feel good or easy.

Because if it felt good or easy, you would have done it already and you wouldn’t be feeling stuck in the first place 😅.

But the good news is - once you do it, you will begin to reap the rewards instantly!

Because all of a sudden you will find your energy is no longer blocked.

The universe will turn the tap back on and abundance will F L O W.

Step 3. Recognise Abundance Manifesting Instantly

Finally, once you have RELEASED whatever was blocking the abundance in the first place, you then need to RECOGNISE when it starts manifesting in your experience.

This could be in the form of unexpected money coming to you, clients appearing out of nowhere, lucrative job opportunities or even small things like someone buying you a coffee.

The important thing is; to RECOGNISE this abundance when it arrives.

Because doing so will mean that you are further ALIGNING yourself with the energy of abundance, which will help you manifest more of it!

And not only that but, the more AWARE you are of how you block yourself from manifesting in the first place, the quicker you can get yourself back into attracting mode.

And that’s when you can get back to your daily gratitude practice ;)

I understand that the idea of instant manifestation can feel like a fairy tale but I assure you that it's not.

Abundance is available to ALL of us,  ALL the time. 

In fact, below are real life examples from my students and clients that have manifested all forms of abundance INSTANTLY!

And all it took was a simple coaching session, mindset shift, or small manifestation exercise to get them there 💜.

Real life examples from Juliette Kristine’s students and clients manifesting instantly.