Juliette Kristine Reviews

Curious to learn more about Juliette Kristine and her recent reviews and results?

Keep reading below…

With a quick search of Google or look at Juliette’s instagram or website you will find hundreds of testimonials and reviews from happy clients and students sharing their wins and manifestations.

But who exactly is Juliette Kristine and what makes her manifesting methods so different from the rest?

This post offers a ‘behind the scenes’ look into Juliette Kristine, what it’s really like to work with her and the impressive results she achieves for her clients and students.

Who is Juliette Kristine

Juliette Kristine is an Award Winning Manifestation Coach and Intuitive Healer who helps success-minded individuals get unstuck so they can attract more; love, money and success into their lives.

Most importantly, she walks the walk having manifested abundance in many areas of her own life.

Recognised as a Manifesting Expert Juliette has regularly been featured in media publications including; Sunday Life Magazine, Women’s Health Magazine, The Sydney Morning Herald and has been voted as having one the best manifestation blogs online by Feedspot.

Her natural ability to uncover where someone is blocked in their manifesting has seen her attract high profile clients from Forbes 30 under 30, CEO’s, Successful Music Producers, and Multi 6 Figure Coaches.

With results that range from; $35K in business opportunities, TV appearances, celebrity engagements, $250K salaries, $18K big name clients, their soulmate, pregnancies, weight loss and more, Juliette has been described as having the ‘magic touch’ when it comes to helping people get what they want (even when they’ve tried all the things!).

Success from around the globe…

Along with her list of high profile clients, Juliette’s online presence has enabled her to transform people’s lives from all over the globe and really establish herself as a true manifestation expert. Featured in over 26+ high profile media publications including: Women’s Health Magazine, Today.com, Well + Good, Yoga Journal, Sydney Morning Herald, Sunday Life, Verywell Mind and more, Juliette’s reach and acknowledgement has been ever expanding. 

Even during the global pandemic, Juliette was still able to achieve unbelievable results & transformations for her clients, even more affirming that the external world does not matter and it is our inner world and vibration that must change to achieve results!

Unique method and approach 

Juliette’s clients have found long lasting success and manifested things beyond what they thought possible, with her unique and deeply transformational online course;

‘The Surrender Approach’. 

With hundreds of students served and 48 (Yes, 48!)  5 star Google reviews, it is abundantly clear that this course works and gives people the real results they desire. 

What makes ‘The Surrender Approach’ stand out from the rest?

Simply put, The Surrender Approach is a method of manifesting that focuses less on pushing and striving and more on finding alignment from within.

So many courses out there focus on ‘forcing’ the external world to conform, when in fact, it is our internal world that must change first if we want to see real lasting results with your manifesting.

This isn’t just another manifesting course, it’s a new way of living, one that enables you to become one with your desires so you no longer need to chase after things, instead they come to you!

This is why SO many people come to Juliette having tried other coaches, courses and methods and finally find consistent success with The Surrender Approach course. The results truly speak for themselves.

Below are 3 x incredibly moving and powerful testimonials that demonstrate how transformative Juliette’s processes are, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned manifestor who’s stuck manifesting in some in specific areas like love, money or business.

Juliette’s Other Offerings

Juliette’s unbeatable value and abundant knowledge is also evident in her multiple juicy offerings on her website which includes a FREE (Yes, free) vision board masterclass, mini manifesting ritual and the ultimate Manifesting with Soul which is a 3 Month Private Coaching Program working exclusively with Juliette.

Different from the rest…

Juliette is undoubtedly different from the rest when it comes to her approach. One of the incredibly unique things Juliette is known for, is her razor sharp intuition and ability to “tune-into” someone's energy. This enables Juliette to really ‘pick up on’, see past the veil & uncover where they are truly stuck or blocked in attracting what they desire

In almost all of Juliette’s private client reviews you will hear mentions of her incredible intuitive ability to “just know” where a client is blocked with their manifesting…

Juliette’s abilities also extend to her being a natural healer. This enables her to truly help her clients to move on and heal from their past so they can more easily manifest the future they desire.

Below, we hear from Patti, who truly transformed & healed her life by taking action through her own intuitive ‘nudge’.

Why should you trust Juliette to help achieve your dreams, goals & desires?

There is a key difference from working with Juliette and that is her ‘been there’ and knowing empathetic approach. 

Having been frustrated with the regular manifestation techniques out there and a desire to completely change her life, Juliette has gone through the trial and error process so you don't have to (phew)! She has completely cracked the code to manifesting success in all areas of life.

From helping clients manifesting new high paying clients;

To calling in a soulmate (Juliette has special, personal experience with this after manifesting her husband and soulmate after being single for 5 years straight!)

And even music videos!

Do you want to see more growth in your business & social media following?

So many of us dream about having our very own, thriving and fulfilling business. It’s so easy now to get caught up in overwhelm, worried the market is ‘oversaturated’ and gaining genuine, consistent clients.

Social media (love it or hate it) is such a huge part of our lives nowadays for personal and business use and you guessed it, Juliette’s ‘magic touch’ can help with these too;

A massive business win recently for Juliette’s client; Jana….

Below we hear from Jana and her recent business success and social media growth working with Juliette…

Only 2 weeks after my first session with Juliette one of my reels went viral and my Instagram grew from 5k to 10k followers after being stagnant for 6 months.

Then 2 months into our sessions another two reels went viral and within the next 4 weeks my Instagram grew from 12k to 45k!! I was blown away and could not believe it, and it fully hit me that it’s truly an internal transformation – I was aligning with myself, and because of this I was able to really share my true energy and vibration to the world through my Instagram. I was showing up as the real ME and I believe people could feel this.

If you ever feel lost, stuck, and like you are blocked from where you are meant to go Juliette will be able to guide you, help you feel unstuck and help you see your path more clearly. She is the most intuitive person I have ever come across, full of light and amazing energy, she understands you, your thoughts and her intuition is so spot on always knowing if you need a nudge or a step back.”

- Jana Luhr

Not your average manifestation coach…

Thanks to Juliette’s ‘magic touch’, solid and unique manifestation system, not only can she help people manifest the ‘big’ things such as houses, money and cars, but also the deeply personal, most intimate desires of her clients in niche areas such as pregnancy and weight loss.

Most coaches don't venture into these areas, as they are so deeply personal and often aren’t as ‘shiny’! Often, these areas require major block removal, healing and doing the serious ‘work’ to bring around results.

With Juliette’s firm belief in her manifestation techniques and the ability for each of us to be in control of our own reality, manifestation can be effectively used across any area of life. The beautiful thing about Juliette’s systems is that they are totally customizable to whatever the client desires. 

Below, Erika Kate and Shelby share their own unique success and experiences with impressive weight loss, pregnancy (after trying for almost a year) alongside career and business success.

Pregnancy manifestation is an area that is particularly personal for Juliette…..

Below she shares a heartfelt message on her Instagram.


A heartfelt note from Juliette….

Dave and I are very excited to announce we have a little bubba arriving in September 💞⁠

What's particularly magical about this story is that...⁠

On the 31st December I finished creating my course on Manifesting Pregnancy.⁠

On the 1st January I conceived ✨⁠

I didn't share this publicly but Dave and I had been trying for a little while at the end of last year to conceive but nothing had happened yet.⁠

So I was doing my own course as a way to shift my energy ✨⁠

When I launched Manifesting Pregnancy I didn't even know I had this little soul growing inside of me 💫⁠

When I found out I cried 😪⁠

It was a very different experience to when I fell pregnant with Maddie...⁠

There was some work I needed to do to prepare - ⁠shifting my energy, transforming my beliefs and aligning myself so this little bub could come through.⁠

And now its here ✨⁠

I hand on heart believe this experience happened to me the way that it did, in such divine timing, so I could learn everything I needed to support and inspire others and have that information come through MP 🙏🏼 ⁠

I always say... the work I teach in my manifesting is just the universe expressing itself through me 🍃⁠

I now feel so grateful this soul took a little longer.⁠

It's already one of my greatest teachers 🕊⁠

J xx⁠

The best part?

All of this is available to YOU.

Each success story that you see, can absolutely be yours too!

Want to get started with Juliette & begin your own manifesting journey?

The FREE vision board training is an ideal place to get your manifestation juices flowing and find out more about Juliette’s unique manifestation methods.👇🏼
