Positive Affirmations For Money & Success - That Work!

A guide to creating positive affirmations for money and success (with examples) by Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine

The subject of positive affirmations for money and success comes up a lot in my work as a Manifestation Coach (and for good reason!).


Positive affirmations have the power to affect your subconscious mind which is what makes them a great tool for manifesting and attracting what you want.


Even though I’ve been a student of manifestation since I was 14, I haven’t always used affirmations in my manifesting practice.


In fact, I used to be a little turned off them, because they never seemed to work, and the majority of the time I was left  wondering...


Why aren't my affirmations working? 😩


That was until I figured out how to create them properly and make them work for me in my manifesting process - particularly in the areas of success and money!


In fact, a few years back I came up with 2 affirmations that helped me to manifest winning the 2017 Law Of Attraction Leaders Manifestation Coach Of The Year Award and becoming Fully Booked in my coaching business.


Keep reading below to find out how to create affirmations for money and success that work (with examples). You can also read my popular blog on The 90 Most Powerful Weight Loss Affirmations here.


3 Steps To Create Positive Affirmations For Money & Success - That Work




Most people think that affirmations need to be long and detailed in order to work, but this isn’t the case. 


In fact, the more complicated your affirmations are, the more difficult it can be to get them to work, and I’ll explain why…


When you create detailed positive affirmations it means you are being very SPECIFIC about what you want to attract.


Contrary to the popular belief in manifesting that “you need to ask the universe for exactly what you want”, this can actually be the thing that trips you up. 


You see, if you are being very specific about something you want to attract and using an affirmation for that, but there’s a part of you that doesn’t BELIEVE in what you are saying 100%, repeating this daily affirmation will actually take you out of alignment.


Here’s an example affirmation of this relating to money and success:


I will Manifest 15 x Paying Clients by 30th January.


While this affirmation may look good on paper, saying it daily could cause you to trigger the thinking mind more easily, because of its specificity.

You may begin to think to yourself:

“How am I going to get 15 clients in this timeframe?”


And the minute you ask yourself that question, you begin to DOUBT it, which will the hinder the affirmations ability to create results for you. 🙇🏻‍♀️

This is why, far more powerful way to go about this process is to pick a more GENERAL affirmation that doesn’t include as much detail but still helps you ultimately attract what you want.


Two examples that I chose to work with were:







These particular affirmations worked really well for me because I could say them and remain in place of ALIGNMENT without over engaging the thinking mind and worrying about the ‘how’.


The result?


They worked FAST to create results in my life that directly related to money and success.


Within months of using these affirmations I became Fully Booked in my coaching business and won the 2017 Manifestation Coach of the year award (as well as numerous prizes, competitions and freebies). 


Please note, I am not suggesting that saying affirmations was the only thing that led me to becoming fully booked or winning the award. There were other manifesting tools I used in conjunction with them to get the best possible result. For example, I had a vision board I looked at daily which helped me ANCHOR to my goals even more,

*If you need help creating a vision board you can check out my free training here.

Vision Board training to be used in conjunction with positive affirmations - to get the best results attracting money and success!



The second step to creating positive affirmations for money and success that will work, is to put them on repeat.


Saying your affirmation once or twice just isn’t going to cut it!


Here’s why…


In order to make your affirmations work, they need to affect your subconscious mind.


That’s right!


Affirmations affect the subconscious mind - that’s what makes them so powerful.


And the reason this is SO important is because when you want to manifest something but subconsciously you don’t believe it’s possible - it’s never going to manifest!


That’s why repeating your positive affirmations DAILY (and even multiple times a day) is key to making them work for you. 


And this applies to any area of your life, whether its more success, money, abundance, health or even love you want!


Now, I must also stress this point👇🏻


Even though I am recommending you repeat your affirmation multiple times a day - try not to make this a chore.


Because the minute you make it a chore, the energy you will be emitting will be one of TRYING and PUSHING for what you want, vs ALLOWING it to happen. 🍃


That’s why, in Step 1, I suggested keeping your daily affirmations simple and lighthearted because this will make the process more fun.

And when you come from this fun, playful energy you are in a state of ALLOWING, which is the quickest way to have your affirmations affect the subconscious mind and manifest the money and success you desire. 

*I would also like to mention here that once you get good at using affirmations in your manifesting process you can begin to make them more complex. This is because you would have already strengthened your belief in the process!





The last thing you need to do in order to make your positive affirmations work is to keep your vibration high and stay FOCUSED on what you want.


The reason this is so important is because you need to become an energetic match to the money and success you are trying to attract.  

And even though saying affirmations helps you to do this (to some degree) they are only a small part of the process.

So this is where additional manifesting tools can be really helpful to further ALIGN your energy and FOCUS on what you want. 


My favourite process is creating a vision board because a vision board can be a VISUAL REPRESENTATION of your positive affirmation and therefore really ANCHOR you to it. 


Plus vision boards help you to focus, feel and change your frequency!


What you will find when you start actively raising your vibration and focusing on what you want, is that your intuition will begin to speak to you and tell you EXACTLY what steps you need to take in order to make your desires manifest.


This IS the path of least resistance!


When I look back and think about the affirmations I used:







I can clearly see they BOTH manifested into my experience because:


I kept them simple, repeated them often, actively raised my vibration and stayed focused on what I wanted. 


So, if you have tried using affirmations in the past and they just left you wondering:


Why aren't my affirmations working?


Try refining them by using the steps I have mentioned above!