3 Spiritual Truths To Manifest The Life You Desire

Learn how to manifest the life you want by following these spiritual truths.

Manifesting The Life You Desire

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately and looking back over the last few years and all of the incredible things I have manifested…

✔︎ Becoming fully booked in my coaching business (without ever spending a dime on FB Ads or Marketing!).

✔︎ Moving into my dream home (identical to what was on my vision board!).

✔︎ Attracting high-level coaching clients like: CEO’s, published authors, successful music producers, and 6 figure coaches (with ease).

✔︎ Creating a lifestyle where I have plenty of time to do the things I love like; spending time with my family, walking in nature, meditating and eating out at nice restaurants with my hubby.

✔︎ Manifesting getting married to the man of my dreams and giving birth to our beautiful baby…

I can honestly say, life has never felt so ABUNDANT, PROSPEROUS, and FULFILLING.

But, it wasn’t always like this for me...

In fact, success, money, and love were 3 areas of my life where I used to work really hard to get what I wanted with mediocre results 😩. 

And you know what?

In the end, I attracted everything I wanted into my experience and I didn't come from trying harder. 

It came because of the work I did on myself spiritually

And now, looking back over the years, I can clearly see the spiritual truths which enabled me to manifest the life I have today. 

If you’re interested in learning what these are, keep reading below…

3 Spiritual Truths To Manifest The Life You Desire

1. Follow your true path and purpose

If you want to manifest success in your life, follow your true path and purpose rather than chasing something because you think it will make you money.

Success comes naturally to those who know what they came here to do because they are acting in a way that is ALIGNED with their inner-being. 

They are joyful, present, and living life on purpose.

This radiates an energy and vibration that other people can pick up on. 

They want to be near you, buy from you and follow you because they can sense your truth and authenticity.

And not only that but your relationships improve and you become magnetic to the man you want because you are so centered in yourself and what you came here to do #whichissexy!

I know this to be true because I worked for 10 years in my previous business, always hustling and struggling to get what I wanted, trying every manifestation trick in the book with no luck, and the minute I turned inward and started working on my true path and purpose -


My energy changed. My vibration changed. My outlook on life changed. 

I started coming from the energy of the heart rather than the mind.

No longer did I feel the need to chase after things because I was so focused on what I could give rather than what I wanted to ‘get’

The result?

Success found me.

2. Do the inner vibrational work

If you have BIG things you want to manifest in your life like; your soulmate, dream home, financial freedom, massive career success - it’s going to take more than practicing a few affirmations. 

You’re going to have vibrational work to do. 

And this is because; you need to be the right energetic container to be able to HOLD those bigger manifestations.

Otherwise, these things would have already manifested into your experience. 

I know this to be true because; with all the BIG things I have manifested into my life (particularly in relation to my home and career success), I needed to do a lot of work on myself to be vibrationally ready to RECEIVE them.

I needed to;

✔︎ Work through my fears and limiting beliefs

✔︎ Uplevel my mindset

✔︎ Feel worthy of my manifestations and

✔︎ Align my energy 

Without doing these things nothing I wanted ever would have materialized because I wouldn't have been vibrationally ready. 

3. Develop your intuition

If there was one tool or piece of advice I could give someone who wants to take their manifesting to new heights it would be to develop your intuition.

And this is because; your intuition knows exactly how to make all of your desires manifest in the easiest way possible and it’s always sending you signals on how to do that, you just need to follow it

My intuition is the reason I am a good manifestor. 

It guides me on; 

✔︎ What fears I need to let go of

✔︎ What limiting beliefs I need to transform

✔︎ Where I am out of alignment and

✔︎ What actions I need to take

And not only that but, my intuition is the number 1 tool that I use when I’m working privately with a client. 

It is the very thing that enables me to see exactly what that person needs to SHIFT and change to manifest the life they desire.

Because in my experience, it's never a case of saying more affirmations or writing down your desires 300 times (which I don’t recommend btw because it just makes you more attached 😅).

It’s always a case of finding out what is keeping you stuck and blocked in your manifesting because when you work on THAT, everything falls into place and what you want starts to naturally manifest in your experience!

As always I hope you enjoyed this post and that these Spiritual Truths can help guide you to manifest the life you want also. 


Juliette xx