Abundance Meditation: Expand Your Capacity To Manifest Abundance

Do you ever feel like there's something blocking you from manifesting your desires?


Like the universe has turned the abundance tap off and nothing seems to F L O W.


I know that feeling!

And the truth is, it doesn’t matter whether you run a multi-million dollar business or working paycheck to paycheck, we all have moments where our energy can become blocked, which can stop us from manifesting money and abundance into our lives.

Whenever I notice there is a tightening or restricting feeling around abundance in my life, or this is happening to one of my clients, whether its related to manifesting financial abundance, client attraction, deal flow or even opportunities…

I always - LOOK WITHIN.

I examine my energy - how I feel in my body - and nearly every single time I can sense blocked energy in my heart chakra area.

This is also the energy I have observed in my clients ✨

We often discuss about how they can also give themselves an energetic upgrade - check out the post here!

For a little bit of background…

The heart chakra opens the channels of the heart allowing us to give and receive freely, so if this area is stuck or blocked we naturally start to “close” down.

This can look like:

➤ Holding onto money too tightly, not wanting to spend anything

➤ Not feeling inspired to “give” whether that’s; sharing free content on social media, giving your time to someone, or even little things like buying someone a coffee

➤ Moving into a lack mentality all of a sudden

As a result, you stop the flow of abundance coming in and out of your life.

This then hinders your ability to manifest money and abundance.

Clients stop rolling in as quickly, a random bill surfaces out of nowhere, you lose that ‘free flowing feeling’ around spending and receiving money money in a joyous way 🍃

One thing that I have found to be incredibly powerful in moments like this, to release stuck energy and ALLOW abundance to flow is the following abundance meditation.

Abundance Meditation: Expand Your Capacity To Receive & Manifest Abundance


Step 1. Create a sacred healing space.

You can do this by lighting some candles, burning incense, diffusing essential oils, using crystals or playing some meditation music.


*Please do not skip this step. It's an important part of activating your own healing mechanisms and letting the universe know your intention!



Step 2. Get into a meditative state.


Take several deep breaths and begin to relax each part of your body. Imagine you are calling all of your energy back to yourself.

Spend at least 5 minutes doing this.


Step 3. Feel into your heart space.


Draw your attention to your heart chakra which is located in your chest area. Really feel into this space, notice if it feels blocked or restricted.

Often this can be the source of us blocking our ability to RECEIVE and manifest abundance.


Abundance meditation steps.

Now, see your heart chakra as a green spinning disc and imagine all of the blocked energy flying off it like dirt.


With each spin, you can see your heart chakra growing larger, clearer, greener and brighter!

Continue to do this until you start to feel as though all of the blocked energy has been released (or as long as you feel you need!).

Step 4. Declare

Once you have released the stuck energy bring your awareness to your new E X P A N D E D state.

Notice how OPEN you now feel in your heart space area - this is you ready to give and receive!

Declare to the universe: "I am now open and ready to receive all forms of abundance!"


Step 5. Give Something Away

Now, you have cleared some (or all) of the blocked energy and reaffirmed your intention, it’s important that you REACTIVATE the flow of abundance.

To do this, give something away!

➤ Buy your friend a coffee when you’re out

➤ Donate some of your old clothes to charity

➤ Get on social media and share some of your best knowledge (just to give) without an agenda to get a client or sale

➤ Help someone in your life with something, offer your time, love, money (whatever resource you feel is in short supply)

➤ This can even include giving to yourself, like getting a massage, buying yourself some flowers, doing something loving just for you to fill your cup up!

Give as much as you can (in multiple ways) and notice how good it feels to give 🙏🏼

Doing this will help shift you out of a lack mentality and into one of abundance.

It will help reactivate the flow.

Step 6. Watch abundance start to manifest


Pay attention to ways in which the universe responds to the change in your energy and how abundance starts to manifest in different ways.

Perhaps you get a new client applying to work with you all of a sudden, an exciting career opportunity comes your way, or someone offers to buy you lunch.

Be aware of these occurrences happening after you’ve completed the meditation exercise. Feel gratitude and appreciation towards what comes to you, because this will help you manifest more.

Just with any manifestation practice, the more you can FOCUS your energy on what you want, the better your results will be.

Try to focus as much of your energy as you can on THE ABUNDANCE you wish to experience in all areas.

One of my favourite ways to do this is to create a powerful vision board that depicts the next-level version of your ‘abundant’ life… One that goes deep into what you want to manifest and also how it will make you feel.

This will act as a powerful ACNHOR making it easier to align with the energy of what you want on a daily basis 🙏🏼

If you want to learn my secrets for creating a powerful vision board that makes your desires to manifest with ease, check out my free vision board masterclass where I share how I used vision boards to manifest: free round-the-world business class flights, my soulmate, dream home, a fully booked coaching business, media appearances and more!

A picture of Juliette Kristines free vision board masterclass where she teaches you how to use vision boards to manifest abundance into your life