How To Give Yourself An Energetic Upgrade - 4 Simple Steps

A photo of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine sitting in her garden manifesting her energetic upgrade using 4 simple steps

Giving yourself an energetic upgrade (or spiritual upgrade) is one of the fastest ways you can begin manifesting more of what you want. 


Because it helps you transform your energy and vibration to reach higher states that are naturally more aligned with the next-level version of yourself who’s already manifested what you want. This person is known as your highest self.

While you may think that this type of work needs to involve a powerful healer to perform some spiritual magic on you - this isn’t always the case.

In fact, there are really simple practices that you can do yourself that will result in you having a spiritual or energetic upgrade.

And that’s what I'm going to cover in this post. 

Table of Contents

    What Is A Spiritual Upgrade Or Energetic Upgrade?

    Often you hear the terms energetic upgrade or spiritual upgrade when people are talking about experiencing a spiritual awakening. 

    This can come in the form of an unexpected change where you find yourself “waking up” spiritually or even going through a form of spiritual ascension.


    There’s another type of upgrade (the one that I’m referring to in this post) which is more deliberate.

    One where you decide that you want to increase your capacity to *HOLD* bigger manifestations and experiences. 

    And this involves taking physical action in your life that will recalibrate your energy to reach higher vibrational states.

    Because when you do this, manifesting what you want becomes easier 🪄

    When To Give Yourself An Upgrade

    As I am writing this it's December 2022 and I’m currently going through an energetic upgrade to prepare for the year ahead.

    I decided that, rather than wait until mid January and start s l o w l y easing into my manifesting for the year (which often makes me feel behind), I wanted to start before the new year.

    The idea of stepping into the person I want to be next year - now - feels exhilarating to me.

    Imagine 💭

    Recalibrating your energy so you enter into 2023 at a higher frequency and vibration to what you are now? 


    I don’t know about you but this just feels like a way more POWERFUL form of intention setting!

    On the other hand if you’re reading this and it's not the New Year, just remember you can CHOOSE to give yourself an energetic upgrade whenever you want.

    My recommendation?

    When you have something BIG you want to manifest and call in ✨

    How To Give Yourself A Energetic Upgrade - 4 Simple Steps

    Step 1. Reflect

    The first step to giving yourself a spiritual upgrade is to take time to REFLECT on where you have been.

    Look at the year so far and contemplate the following:

    What were the highlights, the things you manifested and were proud of?

    What things didn’t you manifest that you are still trying to call in?

    Where do you feel the gap is?

    *What I mean by this last point is identifying where you feel you might be out of alignment with your goals and desires.

    For example: If your business didn’t reach the revenue goals you set out for yourself, can you see where you might not have been acting as your highest self? Were you procrastinating a lot? Turning down lucrative opportunities out of fear or because you were too busy? Were you setting boundaries? 

    These are all examples of where there may have been a gap in how you were showing up vs what you were asking for.

    A purple and white header image that reads:Energetic Upgrade: Step 1 - reflecting on your manifestation journey.

    Step 2. Release

    Once you have reflected on the past the next step is to RELEASE what you no longer want to carry forward with you into the year ahead (or the future in general).

    To do this grab a pen and paper and journal out any negative thoughts, beliefs or behaviors you want to let go of.

    Think about the “gaps” you identified in step 1 to prompt you into what you might need to say goodbye to in order to step into the next-level version of you who has ALREADY manifested what you want 🤍

    For me, having just given birth to my second baby I know one of the key things I need to let go of is trying to do everything myself - a symptom of being too much in my masculine energy!

    Letting go of control and activating my feminine magnetism means I can allow more people to help me so I can maximize my time, focus on my zone of genius and be a joyful, present parent. 

    This is key for me 🗝️

    When you have written down all the things you can think of that don’t align with who you want to be, you can perform a release ritual to let them go so you can begin upgrading your energy. 

    Release Ritual For Upgrading Energy

    1. Choose a thought, belief or behavior you want to release

    2. Give thanks to it

    And I mean REALLY give thanks to it. Thank the thought, belief or behavior for SHOWING you who you don’t want to be. This is how you can reach a state of pure appreciation rather than condemning yourself for doing something “wrong”. 

    When you can see the beauty in acting how you don’t want, as a way to get crystal clear on who you do want to be, it’s much easier to release 🍃

    3. Repeat the following phrase x 3 times:

    “I release (insert negative thought, belief or behavior) now”

    *Each time you repeat the statement pause and take a deep breath in and exhale out. Imagine you are releasing the thought, belief or behavior from your energy field as you exhale.


    “I release the need to control everything now”

    Breathe in and breathe out.

    “I release the need to control everything now”

    Breathe in and breathe out.

    “I release the need to control everything now”

    Breathe in and breathe out.

    Practice the above steps for each thought, belief or behavior you want to release.

    Doing this exercise is creating more SPACE in your energetic field to pave the way for your spiritual upgrade!

    A purple and white header image that reads: Energetic Upgrade: Step 2 - Releasing what you no longer desire.

    Step 3. Recalibrate

    The third step is all about RECALIBRATING your energy to match the person on your vision board.

    Because, this person on your board is the next-level version of you who’s already manifested what you want. 

    *If you don’t have a vision board that clearly depicts the person you are stepping into - make sure you watch my Free Vision Board Masterclass as it covers everything you need to know to create a vision board that works. 

    This is important because 👇🏼

    A vision board will act as an ANCHOR throughout the process of you upgrading your energy so it needs to be created effectively, current to your goals and desires and inspirational ✨

    A picture of a vision board depicting images of woman living her dream life promoting Juliette Kristine's Free Vision Board Masterclass where you can learn how to manifest with more ease and speed.

    Once you’ve got your vision board created properly, you’ll know just by looking at it where you need to start making changes to MATCH this new version of you 🫶🏼

    Ask yourself:

    What do I need to change in order to start acting and becoming more like this person on my board?

    What actions can I take today that will enable me to STEP INTO and EMBODY this next-level version of me?

    Using myself as an example I know that if I want to become an energetic match to the person on my vision board and manifest my goals, I need to delegate and train (more than I ever have before).

    Having operated my manifestation coaching business for 7+ years (remaining fully booked for 6 years) while also supporting over 330 manifesting students and having 2 babies things can get a little hectic.

    It’s all about CEO status for me ⚡️

    And this means letting go of any task that’s not essential for me to do in my business. 

    I even came up with an affirmation for myself which says:


    Here are some things I've done to cement this prior to entering into the new year…

    🪄 I hired a new VA who’s skilled in a wide range of tasks I need taken care of, and not just tasks I need done now, but ones the FUTURE version of me needs as well. 

    🪄 I hired 2 x nanny/babysitters to help out at different times/days of the week. Having worked with nannies and babysitters in the past I know that 1 x isn’t always enough. They have lives, get sick and can’t always be available last minute if your little one can’t go to care or you have a business deadline.

    🪄 I ordered a robot vacuum and mop (all-in-one) #lifechanging!

    🪄 I found my next coach/mentor and have pre-invested into a 12 month program in the exact areas I want to up-level in my business.

    🪄 I’ve cut things out of my life that don’t align with the person I want to be next year.

    All of these 👆🏽 actions have e x p a n d e d my energy because they aren’t just servicing what I need now, they go BEYOND that. These are things that service the next-level version of me too.

    The result?

    I’ve UPGRADED my energy through taking physical action that aligns with the person I want to be.

     I’m EMBODYING a higher version of myself knowing that the universe will respond by sending me things of like vibration 💫


    I’ve never felt more energetically prepared or supported going into a new year.

    *Please note even though the things I have mentioned above require financial commitments, I wasn’t always in a position to pay for help and support in this way. This stage in my life called me to be more creative 🤍

    For example: When I started my coaching business I would opt for online courses to expand my learning rather than a 12 month mentorship. 

    Take steps that align with you 👣

    A purple and white header image that reads: Energetic Upgrade: Step 3 - Recalibrating your energy to match the person you're envisioning on your vision board.

    Step 4. Stay On Course

    The fourth and final step to give yourself a spiritual upgrade is to stay on course 🛣

    This requires you to stay consistent and keep acting like this future version of you and embodying them as much as possible.

    This is important because often when we are moving to new levels the universe will test us to see if we are really ready for what we are asking for.

    Here’s a perfect example of this…

    When I went to manifest my new nannies/babysitters the moment I went to make the first official booking my old nanny messaged me - RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT - saying she was available. 

    Now, of course it would have been easier to say yes to her as she already knows my children, I trust her and she doesn’t require any training. But, the thing is she’s not available all the time so she can’t give me the support the future version of me needs. 

    The universe was testing me at the moment, dangling a carrot 🥕 to see if I was really ready for my next-level of help. 

    So, I politely declined the offer, went ahead with my new nannies/babysitters and they worked out WONDERFULLY

    My energy remained e x p a n d e d because of this. If I had chosen the carrot my energy would have contracted and I would be back to the “old me”. 

    A purple and white header image that reads: Energetic Upgrade: Step 4 - Stay On Course to give yourself a spiritual upgrade.

    Another great way to stay on course is ANCHORING to your vision board daily.

    I will often stare at my vision board throughout the day feeling myself as if I’m already he person on my vision board imagining what it's like to have manifested all the things I’m calling in 💭

    👉🏼 My vision board acts as a constant reminder of the energy I need to maintain.

    👉🏼 It helps me make more aligned decisions.

    👉🏼 It energetically holds me to a higher standard and all I need to do is look at it in order for it to do that 🙌🏼

    If you want to learn my secrets for SUPERCHARGING your vision board check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.

    In this training I cover how I used vision boards to help me manifest my soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight, my dream home (identical to what I placed on my vision board), a fully booked coaching business (6+years running) and free round-the-world business class flights ✨🌏

    A picture of a vision board depicting images of woman living her dream life promoting Juliette Kristine's Free Vision Board Masterclass where you can learn how to manifest with more ease and speed.

    As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

    Juliette xx

    PS If you’re interested in learning more about how I manifested the perfect VA, nannies and business mentor check out my post on how to write the perfect manifestation list.

    A picture of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine's professional bio that includes information on her client successes stories as well as her regular appearnces in the media including Women's Health Magazine, Yoga Journal, Well + Good and many more.