7 Ways To Maintain An Abundance Mindset When Money Feels Tight

A photo of Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine sitting in her kitchen working on her vision board and wokring on maintaining abundance when money feels tight

There will be periods in your life where things feel hard and it becomes difficult to maintain an abundance mindset.

Whether it's having a low cash month in business, a salary decrease or listening to people talk about a looming recession.

One thing’s for sure -

Fear, uncertainty, stress, worry and having a limited mindset can make your energy 🥀 contract.

And when you’re trying to manifest all those beautiful goals on your vision board this contracted energy isn’t helping you to EXPAND and align with your future vision 🙌🏼

So how do you ignore the evidence in your experience that’s expanding the fear so you can continue to GROW and manifest your next level?

In this post I’ll be sharing 7 practical and energetic shifts for maintaining an abundance mindset.

Before we dive in…

For a little inspiration manifesting MULTIPLE forms of money and abundance happened to be the focus of my work with one of my clients recently, and within JUST 4 weeks, she quickly drew in -

A new “perfect” part-time job to support her while she builds her coaching business, unexpected money, winning $ at the casino, 4 x new course students and a lucrative interview opportunity which is bringing new (aligned) leads into in her biz that will soon equate to more $$ 💥

Proof of how the universe can deliver abundance in an infinite number of ways when you align your energy and take intuitive based action 🪄

7 Ways To Maintain An Abundance Mindset When Money Feels Tight

1. Switch Your Focus

Remember earlier in this post when I said fear, uncertainty, stress and worry can make your energy contract making it harder to manifest?

Essentially this happens because you are focused on what you DON’T want to experience.

For example: A surprise tax bill, decrease in income, not signing as many clients, increase in expenses can all be triggers leading you to focus on lack.

In order to change this it's important to switch your focus. 

One of the easiest ways to do this is to think about what you DO want to manifest in terms of money and abundance and then create a vision board around that.

In the example of my client mentioned above, one of the first things we did was work on creating a mini vision board that depicted multiple streams of money/income and what this would look and FEEL like in her life. 

Once her vision board was complete she then layered in some additional techniques to further align her energy and then used her intuition to take action and meet the universe halfway. 

Within 4 weeks she manifested: 

A part-time job she loves, 4 x new course students, $1,500 unexpected money, $1,800 winnings and a lucrative interview opportunity which is already showing results in her biz and will lead to more $ 💥

What’s important to recognise about this 👆🏻story is the multitude of ways the money and abundance came to her.

If this story inspires you and you want to learn my secrets for creating a vision board that can help get you results like this, make sure you check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.

In this free training I cover how I used vision boards to create abundance in ALL areas of my life 🫶🏼

Including manifestations like 👇🏼

➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights ✈️

➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I placed on my vision board *images included)

➤ My soulmate after being single for 5 years straight 💞

➤ Plus, A Fully Booked Coaching Business (without spending any money on FB Ads or Marketing - 6+ years running!)

A picture of a vision board depicting images of woman living her dream life promoting Juliette Kristine's Free Vision Board Masterclass where you can learn how to manifest with more ease and speed.

2. Look For New Opportunities

Another way you can help to maintain an abundance mindset is to look for new opportunities. 

Looking for new opportunities allows you to see (and focus on) what’s possible and therefore keep your energy EXPANDED.

It takes you out of a place of powerlessness and into one of empowerment.

Whenever you feel stretched or negative around money - look for new opportunities 💸



Come up with a new offer for your existing clients, start a side business, or develop a new skill that can enhance your career prospects.

Even if you don’t end up actioning the above-mentioned just getting yourself into that opportunistic mind frame will do wonders for your energy and vibration because 👇🏻

You will connect back to a place of POWER within yourself 🤍

You will be able to recognise and see that you have options

It's also important to remember that, to be successful in the long run, flexibility is key. Being able to adapt, pivot and innovate as the world changes is what will ensure long-term success.

3. Go Deeper With Appreciation

It's no surprise that practicing appreciation and being grateful for what you do have allows you to anchor into a more abundant mindset.

However, as someone who is very sensitive to energy, here’s my take on this…

 There are varying degrees of appreciation.

What do I mean by “varying degrees of appreciation”?

It's one thing to skim the surface and another to go DEEP.

Let me explain…

Imagine you’re sitting down to write a list of 20 x things you’re grateful for.

This is great, but what you’re really doing when you practice appreciation in this way is just skimming the surface 🐬

It's like you’re sampling all the food in the buffet without ever sitting down to savor and enjoy a proper meal.

You aren’t ALLOWING yourself to change your energy and vibration in a significant way because your time and attention on each thing is so limited.

On the flip side, if you were to spend a whole 10-15 minutes just focusing on ONE thing you are grateful for and all the reasons why you are grateful for it, you will find that by going DEEP, you can change your energy and vibration in a more powerful way.

Try it for yourself and see!

4. Invest Where It Matters

When you feel like abundance isn’t flowing as quickly as you’d like, it can be smart to cut back on expenses. 

However, it's important not to eliminate all the things that can help you grow, expand and create more money 💸

Sometimes money needs to go out in order for it to come in!

A quote graphic on purple background. It reads "Sometimes money needs to go out in order for it come in"

A great example of this from my own life is when I finished my coaching certification I immediately found a healing course I wanted to do which would involve me flying interstate.

I will never forget when I told my partner at the time (my now husband) he said to me: 

“You just finished your coaching certification, don’t you think you should focus on implementing that knowledge rather than going to do another course?”

His advice was practical and smart.

But, I couldn’t ignore the calling I had inside to go and do this healing course. I KNEW deep down that the decision I was making was the right one for me 🫶🏼

So, I ignored what would be “practical”, said yes to myself and went to complete my studies. 

Please note: This wasn’t an easy decision for me to make as the money wasn’t readily available. I was tested to make this happen. I even had to ask the teacher to go on a payment plan - which she said yes to. 

At that moment, I backed myself and trusted that my investment would bear fruit in the long run.

3 months later, I became fully booked in my manifestation coaching business and have remained this way for 6+ years.

I 100% attribute the sudden success I experienced in my business to be a result of the internal shifts I was making and a huge part of that was TRUSTING my intuition and doing that healing course. 

Sometimes you need to invest to EXPAND so that you can be a container that can hold more abundance 🙌🏼

One way to gain clarity on this is to imagine your highest self (the person who’s on your vision board). 

Then ask yourself, is the investment you’re considering one they would have made to get them to where they are? 

If it's a full body, yes, you’ll know you’re on the right path.

Trust yourself and your intuition if there's something you feel called to do, as it could be your pathway to your next level of abundance. 

5. Surround Yourself With Positive Influences

Ever heard of the saying:

“You are the average of the five people who you spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn

This statement has a lot of truth to it because as human beings we can tend to adopt the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of the people around us, or at least be influenced by them.

Now let’s think about this in terms of energy

Imagine that you are a sponge, and everything you experience in your day-to-day life you absorb 🧽

If you’re constantly being exposed to people and information reinforcing a lack of mentality, this will start to influence how you think and feel, contracting your energy 🥀

For example, say you watch the news, and it’s talking about a looming recession. 

Then, you jump on the phone with your mum, and she starts talking about how her neighbor said sales were down in her online business. 

Shortly after, you jump on social media and read a post about how saturated the market is, and basically you are doomed and won’t be able to compete unless you can invest heavily in ads 😩

See how this chain of events can contract your energy and put you into a state of fear, uncertainty, stress and worry?

And the truth is, even if some of what the news or your mum or the lady on Instagram was saying is true, economic downturns create NEW niches, demands and markets.

So there’s actually another side to this which (if anchored into) can help you CREATE abundance 👏🏼

This is why it's so important to surround yourself with POSITIVE influences that will expand your energy to focus on growth and where you desire to be 🌱

Perhaps this could be working with a coach or mentor who can guide you to your next level or simply connecting with friends and family who have a growth mindset. You can even manifest friends to support you in this way.

6. See Things From A Higher Perspective

If you’re finding that there’s been some shifts and changes in your life recently that have caused you to feel like abundance isn’t flowing - 

i.e. Lack of clients signing up, a pay cut at work, decreased revenue 📉

 There could be a deeper reason for this happening.

Sometimes your “energetic contraction”  is simply preparing you for your next expansion.

If you feel like this may be the case - ask yourself:

If there was a benefit to me experiencing what I’m experiencing right now, what would that be?

For example; perhaps the lack of clients your calendar is giving you SPACE to work on your health or create that new online course which happens to be waaay more aligned than the current one you’ve been offering where the sales have dropped.

Or, perhaps the pay cut at work is an invitation to manifest a new, better job that matches the next-level version of yourself on your vision board?

7. Tap Into Your Spiritual Power 

There’s no more of a powerful way to maintain an abundance mindset than tapping into your spiritual power.

And what I mean by that is up the ante when it comes to your manifestation practice.

Use your skills as a manifestor to start co-creating with the universe to bring yourself more abundance in an infinite number of ways 💸

Take my client Elizabeth for example who was able to use manifestation to create massive abundance in her life by:

Releasing 1 million in equity in her house, getting $3k per month for her rental property, selling her apartment for $875k (a record price for the building).

She also manifested weight loss (the exact weight she had on her vision board), new friendships and resolved a health issue 🙌🏼

When you LEAN into your manifesting practice and begin to witness it working in your life, you start to strengthen your belief ✨

And the more you strengthen your belief, the more you start seeing evidence of abundance coming to you without you having to chase after it 💸

Then, when money feels tight, or the news talks about a looming recession, it's easy for you to anchor into a different truth.

The truth that you are a powerful creator and SPIRIT is the true source of abundance ✨

Juliette xx

PS Want to strengthen your belief in the manifesting process and tap further into your spiritual power? 🤍

One of the best ways to do this is with a powerful vision board.


Because when you create your board properly, you’ll quickly see evidence of your manifestations appearing

If you want to learn my unique process for creating boards that get you results, make sure you check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass

In this free training I cover how I used vision boards to create abundance in ALL areas of my life 🫶🏼

Including manifestations like 👇🏼

➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights ✈️

➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I placed on my vision board *images included)

➤ My soulmate after being single for 5 years straight 💞

➤ Plus, A Fully Booked Coaching Business (without spending any money on FB Ads or Marketing - 6+ years running!)

A picture of a vision board depicting images of woman living her dream life promoting Juliette Kristine's Free Vision Board Masterclass where you can learn how to manifest with more ease and speed.