The Pillow Manifestation Method: A Powerful Technique for Manifesting Your Dreams While You Sleep

A photo of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine sitting in her bed holding various manifestation tools like oracle cards and a journal showing how you can manifest quickly and overnight.

What if I told you there was a way you could train your mind to help you manifest while you sleep.

Sound interesting?

With the rising popularity of The Pillow Manifestation Method I thought now would be a good time to go deep into this topic and how you can use it to transform your manifesting.

Because let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to increase your manifesting powers while catching some Zzzzz’s!

In this post, I’ll be covering everything you need to know about this trending technique, how it works (including the science behind it), and giving you my expert manifesting advice on how to use it to manifest your desires with more ease.

But first, let’s start with the basics to determine what makes this technique different to normal manifesting…


Manifestation is the process of changing your thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs to attract something into your life.

You can use it for big goals, like manifesting love, your dream job, or smaller desires like free items and travel upgrades (you can learn more about things to manifest in my post - 21 things you need to manifest according to an expert)…

When people think about manifestation, it’s natural to associate it with practices like; visualization, affirmations, gratitude and taking inspired action towards one’s goals. 

So what’s the difference between these techniques and The Pillow Method?

The big difference between these practices and The Pillow Method has to do with when you are performing the action (i.e. the time of day) and the state your mind is in 🧠

So normal manifesting might go something like this…

You wake up in the morning, feed your dog, grab your lemon and hot water, then sit down to visualize your desires, practice your affirmations and write your daily gratitude.

You perform each action in a very conscious state.

Then, you have The Pillow Manifestation Method, which is different in that it's performed right at the time when you’re drifting off to sleep at night and the very first thing when you wake up in the morning.

Why is it done this way?

To capitalize on the relaxed state, your mind is in!

By utilizing the time just before sleep and when you wake up to focus on your manifestations using a variety of methods it becomes easier to program your subconscious mind and therefore achieve your goals faster. 

What Is The Pillow Manifestation Method?

The Pillow Manifestation Method is a beautiful combination of intention setting, visualizing your desired outcome, affirmations & accessing the subconscious mind

How it works

It works by focusing on the end result of your desire, repeating specific affirmations and writing about your manifestation in the present tense, then placing it under your pillow.

This process is performed just before sleep and upon waking up when your mind is in a very receptive state. 

Why it's effective

One of the reasons it works well as a manifestation technique is because it allows you to effectively program your subconscious mind with thoughts and ideas that align with you achieving your goal.

The mind is more receptive during relaxed states, so repeating affirmations or visualizing what you want during these periods means things will ‘sink’ in more easily, supporting your manifestation process.

The other big benefit of using this technique just before falling asleep or first thing in the morning is that your ego will be quieter.

There’s not as much conscious resistance where your mind is filled with distracting thoughts, fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that can hinder your progress.

And when your subconscious and conscious mind are in alignment, manifesting will always be more potent and powerful!

Lastly, another way it can be effective is helping you to lay the foundation for the dream state where you can open yourself up to receiving messages from your guides and higher self 🧘🏻‍♀️

Your higher self can communicate with you and give you insights around what you might need to know or do to help you manifest your desire quicker.

When it comes to writing about your desires and placing them under your pillow, this acts as an anchor ⚓︎

So you write about your desires in the present tense, get into the ‘feeling space’ that what you want has manifested, and then place this script underneath your pillow to anchor the manifestation into your subconscious.

If you want a powerful way to write about your desires and connect with the energy you can grab a copy of my free manifestation ritual here

The other aspect to be aware of is that, from an energetic perspective, all items hold and emit a certain frequency, so even your actual piece of paper/writing has the energy to it ✨

When you place this paper under your pillow, it's like you’re literally touching your dreams.

As a result you may feel a sense of safety and connection around your desires which can magnetize them quicker.

It also is a great reminder to practice your visualization and affirmations before nodding off!

And as for the importance of visualization and affirmations in the process?

Visualization will help you to focus on your desires and feel them as real so you can change your frequency. This assists you to engage more deeply with your manifestation.

Affirmations will help you to shape your beliefs and increase your manifesting powers and confidence by gently aligning you with your goal.

Why Does The Pillow Manifestation Method Work?

Now we’ve discussed why it's effective, let’s talk about the science behind it.

Scientific studies have shown that repeating positive affirmations activates the reward centers in your brain and helps fire up new neural pathways.

This can help you attract your manifestations more easily by RETRAINING your mind to focus on what you want.

Using mental imagery (i.e. visualization) has also been shown in scientific studies to increase performance and enhance motivation.

In psychology, there’s a phenomenon called priming where exposure to a specific stimulus influences subsequent thoughts and behavior’s.

So if someone is exposed to positive words and images relating to their manifestations, this can positively influence the subconscious mind promoting a mindset that's conducive to achieving those goals.

When looking at this through the lens of manifestation and the law of attraction, changing your thoughts changes how you feel, which alters your energy and vibration to become a vibrational match to your desires, drawing what you want towards you

Pillow Method Success Stories

As a manifestation expert I have used The Pillow Manifestation Method in different ways to help me attract specific manifestations.

Example 1: Manifesting my soulmate after being single for 5 year straight

When I was single and trying to manifest my soulmate (who I’ve now been with for 15 years) I used The Pillow Method to visualize him lying in bed next to me at night as I was drifting off to sleep.

Specifically, I would gaze at my vision board (which was located in my bedroom) to get myself into the right feeling place, then I would close my eyes and imagine him lying in bed next to me.

This was one of my favorite times of day to visualize as the fears and doubts I often had around if I was ever going to meet someone dissipated. 

I was able to focus in a much calmer manner.

Beside my bed I also kept my manifestation list which outlined all the specific characteristics I desired in a partner.

                          Example 2: Manifesting Business Success

Last year I used The Pillow Method to manifest 3 high profile media appearances within the space of 10 days - Women’s Health Magazine, Yoga Journal and Women’s Health Magazine again

*Please note all the interviews manifested themselves within 10 days using the methods described below, the articles were then published over 3.5 weeks.

With this manifestation, I started out by putting media features on my vision board, wrote down what I wanted and the timeframe I wanted it to happen in, then I practiced specific affirmations just as I was drifting off to sleep.

I also visualized waking up in the morning and checking my emails to find lucrative new business opportunities 📩

Lo and behold, all of the interview requests came into my inbox overnight!

*I attribute this to using The Pillow Method as well as my vision board and being in a surrendered state (which is necessary for any manifestation to occur).

How To Use The Pillow Manifestation Method

If you’re interested in trying this out for yourself, here’s a step-by-step guide that incorporates all of the tools I have spoken about in this post; vision boards, affirmations, visualization and writing about your manifestation.

1. Create a new vision board or update your current one to include images that relate to your specific manifestation and what it will feel like once it’s manifested.

Place your vision board in front of your bed so it's the last thing you see before you drift off to sleep. 

*This is important because it will set the scene for your visualization practice at night and in the morning. Plus you can use it to KEEP working on your energy and vibration during waking hours. 

If you need help getting your board right, make sure you check out my Free Vision Board Workshop where I teach you the specifics of creating a vision board that gets you into the right feeling vibration and continues to produce results time and time again 👏🏻

One of my workshop students manifested $40k just by watching this free vision board training - that’s how valuable it is!

A purple testimonial graphic from a client of Juliette Kristine's describing how she manifested $40k using The Pillow Manifestation Method

2. When its time for bed, take a few moments to clear your mind and calm your thoughts.

3.  Gaze at your vision board and recreate the feelings within you that what you want has manifested.

4. Get out a pen and paper and write about your desires as if they’re happening in present tense ✍🏻

For example:

- I am so happy that I’m in a committed relationship with a man who adores me…

- I am so grateful for the string of new clients that have flowed into my life…

- I am deeply satisfied and content living in our new home by the sea which brings me so much joy…

When you’ve written at least one full page about your manifestation, place it under your pillow.

5. Continue looking at your vision board and repeating specific affirmations related to your goals.

Please note - not all affirmations are created equal. Some will work more powerfully than others. You need to make sure the words you’re choosing are helping to align you with where you want to be and not enhancing the gap (i.e. making you feel like you’re lying to yourself).

If you need help crafting powerful affirmations check out these specific posts on; weight loss affirmations, affirmations for pregnancy, money manifestation affirmations, soulmate affirmations and affirmations to attract a job

6. Close your eyes and spend the remaining moments of your wake time visualizing your desires in great detail. Trust that the universe and your subconscious mind are working to bring your desires into reality.

7. As soon as you wake in the morning, before getting out of bed, spend a few moments recalling any dreams you may have had that relate to your manifestation.

Did you receive any insights?

8. Finally, take a few minutes to gaze at your vision board, visualize your desired outcome and feel grateful for what you already have. 

This feeling of deep appreciation is the perfect frequency to help you receive more manifestations.

Tips For Enhancing Your Manifestation Practice

As with any trendy new manifesting technique, it's important to recognise that to get the best results you should be incorporating other practices as well.

Here are 4 additional tips you can use to enhance your practice.

Tip 1: Practice Daily Gratitude

Getting yourself into a state of appreciation is the perfect frequency for receiving your desires more easily.

When you’re in a state of appreciation, your signal is clear because you don’t have contradicting energy going out, like fear and self-doubt.

To practice appreciation successfully, don’t just think about what you’re grateful for but actually write it down!

When you put pen to paper, you can train yourself to reach new vibrational states by writing for long periods of time about things you’re grateful for.

Tip 2: Work On Rewiring Your Beliefs During The Day

Of course, the whole point of The Pillow Method is to amplify and accelerate your manifesting practice while you sleep, but this doesn’t mean you can forget about what you’re doing during the day!

Whenever you notice fears or limiting beliefs surface -

 Imagine the negative thought is written on a blackboard, and then imagine rubbing it out. Then, replace that thought with one of your chosen positive affirmations.

Tip 3: Develop Your Intuition

Manifesting can take time, but there are ways to speed up the process. One of the quickest and easiest ways to do this (apart from working on your energy through practices like appreciation and belief work) is to strengthen your intuition.

Once you’ve declared your intentions out to the universe your intuition will then start sending you signals on how to attract your desires in the easiest way possible

Your job is to listen and act on those signals. 

Tip 4: Use Vision Boards

Finally, using a powerful vision board that depicts all of your goals and manifestation is going to be the one thing that…

Not only helps to remind you to practice your visualization and affirmations before sleep but aligns your energy with your desires THROUGHOUT the day.

It's the only technique that continues to work for you over and over; no matter what time it is, all you have to do is look at it!

Take vision board breaks during the day to gaze at your board and continue to practice feeling your desires as real.

Want help creating your vision board?

Make sure you check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.

In this free 60 minute class I cover:

➤  My proven technique for choosing images that 10 x the way you FEEL

➤ How many goals to focus on at once (too many can disrupt your manifesting!)

➤ What timeframe to create your board in. *This is crucial if you want to stay in the energy of excitement.

➤ PLUS I also cover why you should never use old photos of yourself on your board and what to do instead. 

Register and watch here.


The Pillow Method isn’t just a gimmick or new shinny manifestation technique. 

 It's a process that capitalizes on the fact your brain is in a more receptive state prior to sleep and when waking up in the morning. 

When you use these time periods to practice your manifesting you will naturally increase your ability to program your subconscious mind.

And when the subconscious mind is in alignment with what the conscious is trying to create, manifesting becomes easier 🍃

With that being said, it's important to remember that enhanced manifesting doesn’t just stop at the pillow.

Practicing gratitude, belief work, strengthening your intuition and using tools like vision boards throughout the day will help you get optimum results - as well as making sure you’re in a state of surrender.

A purple and white banner which reads, conclusion of the Pillow Manifestation Method Recap

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

Juliette xx

PS If you’re interested in learning more manifesting techniques - like how I manifested the perfect VA, nannies and business mentor check out my post on how to write the perfect manifestation list.