Manifesting Money and Success: 7 Powerful Law Of Attraction Tips

Manifesting Money Using The Law Of Attraction

Manifesting Money Using The Law Of Attraction

Manifesting money and success all comes down to your ENERGY.

In fact, if there’s one thing I know to be true it’s this👇🏻

The more I work on my energy, the more I manifest into my experience.

I LIVE and BREATHE this statement because it’s how I have created success in my own life.

Not through posting on social media everyday, using sleazy sales tactics or showing up on FB live!

Rather I choose to; work on my energy, listen to my intuition and take action when I feel inspired.


And it enabled me to reach consistent $20k months, working just 3.5 days per week, without ever spending a dime on FB ads or marketing 🙃

If you’re interested in learning some simple and effective law of attraction techniques for manifesting money and success, keep reading below…

Manifesting Money and Success: 7 Powerful Law Of Attraction Tips 

Tip 1: Respect money to manifest it

How do you treat money 🤔 ?

This might sound like a strange question to ask yourself but it’s an important one.

Because how you TREAT money is a direct reflection of your relationship with it. 

Shove your bills into a corner, neglect to look at your expenses, avoid paying invoices or collecting money for your services?

All of these actions are sending STRONG messages out to the universe!

Messages that say: 

“I don’t appreciate money!” 

If you’re reading this and thinking… 

“Oh no, THIS IS ME!”

Don’t worry, because there are some simple actions you can take to change your relationship with money - starting with your wallet (the home of your finances!)

For example:

✔︎ Buy a wallet that makes you feel F*ING ABUNDANT!

*If you use your phone instead of a wallet then buy a case that makes you feel F*ING ABUNDANT!

✔︎ Organise your cards and money in an ordered way.

✔︎ Cash in unused vouchers.

✔ Throw out receipts and bits of rubbish that don’t need to be contained in this sacred space.

These might sound like simple tips but they are very effective for changing your vibration!

Tip 2: Attract success by first, feeling successful

In order to get manifesting and the law of attraction to work for you, you FIRST need to feel the way you want your manifestation to make you FEEL.

So if you want to attract wealth and success you need to make yourself feel those feelings NOW.

One of the ways I personally love to do this is through creating business focused vision boards that contain images of the type of success and financial abundance I desire.

Click here to see my most recent vision board example and images that helped me double my income (in under 6 months during covid with a baby!).

Tip 3: Repair financial leaks 

What are financial leaks? 

Financial leaks are places where your money is LEAKING rather than ACCUMULATING.

Think: late payment fees, subscriptions you no longer use and unnecessary bank fees.

To repair financial leaks, spend time going through all the different areas where money is going out unnecessarily and then put that money into a separate savings account named: “Accumulating Wealth”

Not only will you start saving more money but you will start APPRECIATING it too (and what you appreciate you get more of!). 

Tip 4: Declutter and make space

If you look around your office, how does it make you FEEL?

Is it CLEANED and ORGANIZED, reflecting the type of person you want to be?

Or, is it CLUTTERED with old business cards and outdated pieces of paper?

Holding onto objects from the past, (like old business cards), keeps your energy STUCK in the past.

It keeps you from moving forward and creating success in the future. 

So schedule in some time, start decluttering and MAKE SPACE for money!

Remember, decluttering is a form of self-care!

Tip 5: Get organized

When I used to struggle with money, I hated anything to do with finances, whether that was reading through my credit card statement or doing my taxes.

Little did I know that by failing to address my money situation (aka sweeping it under the rug 🧹) I was actually putting myself in a position where I wasn’t EMPOWERED around money!

And this made it HARDER to manifest.

This is why it’s so important to keep your taxes up to date and business receipts well organised

Because it’s just another way you tell the universe you LOVE and RESPECT money.

Tip 6: Enhance the vibration of money and abundance

Believe it or not, crystals can be a fantastic way to enhance the vibration of what you want to attract!

My top picks for increasing prosperity and success are: Citrine and Green Jade.

Citrine is a wonderful stone for manifestation and is great to have in your office as it transmutes negative energy in the environment.

Green Jade is a popular abundance stone helping to attract financial prosperity and is perfect for wearing or keeping in your wallet. 

Tip 7: Visualize your success 

It is a common belief among law of attraction teachers that you must visualize your desires in order for them to manifest.

This is true, but I also want to point out another important factor…

Visualization only works if you are in the right energy!

You see if you sit down to visualize your success on a daily basis but you don’t BELIEVE it, you’re pretty much wasting your time.

This is why you need to make sure you work on ALL levels when you are manifesting - your vibration, subconscious beliefs and conscious thoughts 🙏🏼 💜


As always I hope you enjoyed this post!

PS If you want to take things further with your manifesting check out my online manifestation course The Surrender Approach. Not only does it teach you how to transform your relationship with money (so you can attract more of it) it also has direct access to me via a Private Facebook Group where you can receive extra support and guidance!