3 Energy Healing Techniques You Can Use Anytime Anywhere

3 Energy Healing Techniques You Can Use Anytime Anywhere

Energy healing can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you change your life, especially when you are trying to manifest more love, money, success and abundance. 

In fact, it's one of the most common tools that I use with my clients and students to help them SHIFT their vibration and attract their desires with EASE.

And the thing about energy healing that a lot of people don’t know, is that there are techniques you can use yourself, anytime, anywhere.

Yes, that’s right…

You don’t always need a professional healer to transform your energy!

Keep reading below to learn how you can practice energy healing yourself

3 Energy Healing Techniques You Can Use Anytime Anywhere

  1. Meridian Energy Healing 

Whenever you feel as though your energy is stuck or blocked Meridian Healing is a great tool to use.

What is Meridian Healing?

Meridian Healing is one of the oldest healing processes in medical science and can be used to stimulate certain energy pathways in the body to release blocked energy and restore balance.

And according to The Complementary Medical Association can even be used as a way to heal inherited traumas as well as self acquired ones

So how can you use this healing modality on yourself?

By applying gentle pressure to specific meridian points on the body.

One of the meridians I love to work on to help balance emotions such; as fear, anxiety and stress is the CV17 point which is located in the centre of your chest between your nipples on your breast bone.

To activate this point simply apply gentle pressure for a few minutes, gently breathing in and out until you start to feel a sense of calm.

This is a wonderful tool to help with your manifesting as it clears negative emotions so you are free to attract more positive experiences.

Below is a picture explaining where the CV17 point is located.

3 Energy Healing Techniques You Can Use Anytime Anywhere

2. Chakra Healing

When I first started out on my journey as a Manifestation Coach I decided to invest in learning about the chakra system.

I am so glad I did because not only did I advance my knowledge of energy healing but I learnt so many helpful tools and techniques to transform your energy and therefore your life!

And not only that but, these are all processes I am able to pass onto my students and clients to help them easily become a vibrational match to their desires.

Some examples of simple techniques you can use to strengthen and balance each chakra are:

Crown Chakra: Meditation 

Third Eye Chakra: Visualization

Throat Chakra: Meditation

Heart Chakra: Acts of love

Solar Plexus Chakra: Sunlight

Sacral Chakra: Creativity

Root Chakra: Barefoot in nature

Below you will find a diagram that shows where each one of the chakras are located as well its colour.

3 Energy Healing Techniques You Can Use Anytime Anywhere

3. Light Energy Healing

The last energy healing technique I want to share with you today is one that I created myself  to assist you when you feel: tired, foggy, unmotivated or even sad for no apparent reason.

This is a wonderful process to use when you are manifesting as it helps to quickly raise your vibration!

My clients have reported significant shifts in their ability to manifest after practicing this.

And the great thing is, you can use it whenever and wherever you are!

Whether it's sitting at the traffic lights, in the shower, on the phone or even at the supermarket!

To practice this technique follow these steps:

Step 1. Close your eyes

Step 2. Take 3 deep breaths

Step 3. Imagine that you are sitting under a beautiful waterfall of light.

And that this light is cascading over you, cleansing your entire energy field. Stay in this space. 

Step 4. When you feel you’ve had enough open your eyes.

Your energy is now cleansed. 

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

Energy healing can be such an incredible tool to help you release negative emotions, unblock stuck energy and most importantly to manifest the life you desire!

To learn more techniques that can help you SHIFT your vibration to attract MONEY check out this post: Manifesting Money and Success: 7 Powerful Law Of Attraction Tips

To learn more techniques that can help you SHIFT your vibration to attract LOVE check out this post: Manifesting Love: 7 Powerful Law Of Attraction Tips