3 6 9 Manifestation Method: How To Use It To Attract Anything

What is the 369 manifestation method and how to use it for best results? Picture of Juliette Kristine Manifestation Coach practicing the 369 manifesting method.

Lots of people have been talking about the popular 369 manifestation method (also known as the 3 6 9 method) that’s been trending on TikTok claiming to help people manifest large sums of money, job opportunities and even specific people into their life.

And while I love a good manifesting story that makes things feel all ‘magical’ and wondrous, there are actually very specific actions required in order to make this technique work properly. 

Because, just like any manifesting method or trending technique, there are a number of different factors that will determine whether you’ll actually get the results you want, or whether you’ll end up feeling tired and frustrated.

If you’re interested in learning:

➤ What the 369 Manifesting Method is &

➤ how to use it to manifest anything

Keep reading below…

What is the 3 6 9 method?

The 369 method is a manifestation technique that is designed to help you attract something into your life by using the power of your intention and focused repetition (similar to how you use and repeat affirmations). It can be used for small things, such as manifesting a free lunch, to bigger things like attracting money or a specific person.

The idea is believed to have been inspired by Nikola Tesla who had a fascination with these numbers and reportedly called them “divine”.

How to practice the 369 manifesting method:

First you must decide on what you would like to manifest and then follow a specific routine when focusing on it.

Specifically, you need to write down your manifestation, 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times at night. 

In order to make the exercise work effectively it best to phrase your desire in present tense and add emotive words to make it more real (below is an example).

Example of 369 Manifestation: 


“I’m so incredibly grateful and excited to have doubled my income to over $120,000 reaching this new level of success in my career.”

HOW TO maximISE YOUR results

As with any manifestation technique the more you can anchor into the feeling that your desire has already manifested the more powerful it will be. 

This is because; it’s our feelings that help to change our vibration and ultimately attract back to us what we want. So a great way to ENHANCE the 369 method is to create a powerful vision board that depicts what life will be like when you have manifested what you want. 


This way you aren’t just practicing getting into the feeling vibration when you’re writing your desires down, but when you look at your vision board as well.

*Remember the more you can feel your desires as real the more it will work!

If you want help creating a vision board that allows you to manifest your desires easily and effortlessly, check out my free vision board masterclass here.

 How long do you practice the 3 6 9 technique for?

Some people claim you need to do the process for exactly 21 days for it to work, but I don’t necessarily agree with that and here’s why 👇🏻


It’s very important when using manifestation techniques that you’re in the right energy when you practice them otherwise they can be counterproductive. This is because; if you are coming from a place of need or attachment around your manifestation, repeating it again and again (trying to force it), can actually create more of a sense of lack within you which can push your desires away from you. 



For this reason, you will get the best results using the 369 method when you’re in the right energy to begin with, which isn’t just about being in a ‘high vibe’ state, it’s about being in the energy of SURRENDER

Healing Psychiatrist David Hawkins explains this perfectly in his book Power vs Force when he describes force as being reactive in nature, and something that arises out of feelings like fear, whereas power is proactive and arises out of higher-consciousness. 

This is why you need to check-in with yourself first, to make sure you’re not coming from a place of need and attachment, and then you can practice the technique for as long as it FEELS good to you, or until your manifestation shows up! 

Tips for choosing your manifestation

Try tapping into what your heart and soul truly desires and wants to manifest as opposed to what’s coming from your ego. Manifestations that come from your heart and soul are more powerful because they are the ones that have more meaning and will ultimately produce more feeling (and it’s your feelings that help to change your energy and attract back to you what you desire!). 

Provided you are in the right energy, a great question to ask yourself to tap into those soul-based desires is:

“What am I craving in my life right now?”

Then look to your intuition to give you your answer (journal if you need to!).

For example: If you feel you are craving more time and space to yourself, manifesting a holiday might be just the manifestation you need!

What happens if you don’t write it down as many times as you should?

While methods such as 369 can be a wonderful place to start when you’re manifesting and using the 12 universal laws to attract what you want, they aren’t the only tool, and you need to be careful because they can create more of the opposite effect as repetition can be opposing to surrender, and surrender is a necessary part of manifesting.

For this reason, it can sometimes be more powerful to write something down once and then use other means (like vision boards) to attract it - which is the process I teach in my signature manifesting system The Surrender Approach (which gets big results!). 

For example: These students below quickly and easily manifested things in all areas of their lives (money, career, business and love) and they did it by using a vision board, because vision boards allow you to get into the feeling space that your desires have ALREADY manifested 💫

Recent example manifestations 3 6 9 method alternative.png

If you’re interested in learning how to get results like this from your vision board, check out my free vision board masterclass here.

In this training I share how I manifested; a fully booked coaching business, my husband, baby, dream home, free round-the-world business class flights, and, helped my clients manifest; $250K salaries, their soulmate, $18K big name clients, weight loss, pregnancy and more.