Visualizing Your Highest Self: A Powerful Technique for Personal Transformation

Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine sat on a rock by the ocean - Manifesting her highest self

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become the best version of yourself?

The person on your vision board who’s already manifested the life you desire to live…

Career success, deep love, soulful connections, financial abundance, a fulfilling life?

This is your highest self, the version of you that exists as a representation of your truest potential.

What if I told you that you could tap into that best version of yourself to manifest with more ease?

Sound interesting?

When you know how to connect to your highest self, you open up a pathway to unlimited personal transformation where manifesting your desires becomes more effortless.


Because this version of you has already manifested everything you want.

So by tapping into the energetic frequency she emits you can become a vibrational match to what you’ve asked for and also receive clear guidance on what actions you need to take in the physical to start living as her in your day to day life.

In this post I’ll be sharing everything you need to know about visualizing your highest self and showing up as her so you can manifest everything your heart desires.

Let’s start with the basics…

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What Is Visualizing Your Highest Self?

In essence, visualizing your highest self means being able to see (in your mind's eye) a version of you that exists as a representation of your truest potential.

Someone who embodies all of the qualities and characteristics you desire to have. 

Someone who’s living the life you want to be living and experiencing all of those beautiful manifestations that are currently on your vision board.

When you know how to create a mental image of this person you can start tapping into how they feel, think and act 💭

This can accelerate your manifestation process by embodying the energy of someone who’s already manifested what you want, and give you intel into what they are thinking and how they are behaving.

This is an incredibly important part of the manifestation process because connecting to this vision and showing up as your highest self helps you to start changing your frequency to match what you desire.

And this is what activates the Law of Attraction to start working for you!

Purple Header Graphic that says - Highest Self Practice What is Visualizing your highest self?

Why Does Visualizing Your Highest Self Work?

There are two ways in which visualizing your highest self works.

Firstly, from an energetic perspective, visualizing your highest self is a requirement for successfully manifesting what you want for the simple reason that…

If you can’t visualize your highest self, you’ll have a hard time connecting with the energy of what it feels like to have achieved your goals.

Tapping into those feelings is necessary in order to be able to match the frequency of what you want to attract

Secondly, when looking at it through the lens of psychology and personal development.

Visualizing your highest self helps you - gain clarity around what you want to achieve, stay focused on your goals, remain motivated and even help to rewire your brain through neuroplasticity 🧠

By repeatedly imagining the version of yourself who has accomplished what you want, you encourage your brain to rewire itself in ways that align with that self-image.

So, what can you manifest using this technique?

In my manifestation course The Surrender Approach I teach a process of tapping into your highest self and how they look/feel/act. Placing this image clearly on your vision board and then using your intuition to show up as them in your daily life.

Below are some success stories showing the incredible things you can achieve using this process.

By focusing on who they wanted to be, these students accelerated the manifestation process to attract some of the biggest desires on their vision board. Including; social media growth, career success, money, clients and the best part… the internal transformation they wanted!

Jana grew her Instagram followers to 45k (after being stagnant for weeks!) and was “blown away by the internal transformation”.

Testimonial Graphic from a client of Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine

Brendan landed the voiceover job for the new Samsung and achieved the feeling of “becoming the person he always knew he could be”.

Testimonial Graphic from a client of Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine

Amie manifested an extra 6 figures, her dream home an effortless move and experienced being the “ultimate creator of her life”.

Testimonial Graphic from a client of Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine

Cynthia manifested more money, new clients, speaking engagements and became so “in tune with her intuition".

Testimonial Graphic from a client of Manifestation Coach Juliette Kristine

And these are just some examples - You can read more here.

With every client and student I work with, the process of creating the life they desire always starts with being able to tap into the vision of their highest self and then take action to become them!

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How To Visualize Your Highest Self

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you visualize your highest self.

While lots of resources say to jump straight into visualizing your highest self my approach is slightly different.

I recommend you start by creating a vision board that clearly depicts your highest self and what her life looks like, having manifested and achieved all the goals you desirewhether it’s internal transformation like inner confidence or outer success like hitting a certain revenue goal!

This way you will have taken the time to get clear on who your ideal self is, and what you want to achieve by becoming them.

 Having this clearly depicted on a vision board means you can access this energy DAILY, and when you go to do your visualization practice you have a frame of reference - making the process so much easier!

If you want help creating a vision board that depicts your highest self in a way that will help you achieve your biggest goals and desires, make sure you check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass 

A picture of a vision board depicting images of woman living her dream life promoting Juliette Kristine's Free Vision Board Masterclass where you can learn how to manifest with more ease and speed.

In this free 60 minute workshop I go deep into the inner workings of creating a vision board that actually works - including 👇🏻

➤ How to choose powerful images that will make you FEEL like your goals desires are real (this will activate the Law of Attraction to start working).

➤ How many goals or life areas to focus on (too many can disrupt your manifesting and dilute the energy!)

➤ What timeframe to create your board in. *This is super important if you want to stay in the energy of excitement.

➤ PLUS I also cover why you should never use photos of yourself on your board and what to do instead!

Once you’ve got your vision board done you can follow the visualization process below…

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Step 1: Find A Quiet And Comfortable Space

Choose a quiet and comfortable place where  you can relax, get into a meditative state and won’t be disturbed.

I recommend choosing an area of your home/office where you can easily stare at your vision board and connect with the images of your highest self prior to visualizing. Or, if you prefer to do the exercise outside, you can always bring a photo of your vision board along with you.

A purple and white header image that reads: Higher Self Practice - Step 1: Find A Quiet And Comfortable Space

Step 2: Get Into A Meditative State

Take a few moments to quiet your mind, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Imagining that all the stress and tension from your body is being released as you exhale.

Continue doing this breathing practice until you feel calm and centered.

A purple and white header image that reads: Higher Self Practice - Step 2: Get into a meditative state

Step 3: Set An Intention

Before you jump into the visualization process, take a moment to stare at your vision board. Look at all of the images that depict your highest self. 

Ask yourself which aspects of your highest self you want to focus on in the session - whether it’s confidence, success, happiness, or any other qualities you wish to cultivate.

 Set a clear intention that this aspect will be your focus.

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Step 4: Create A Mental Image

Now for the fun part! 

Create a detailed mental image of your highest self. Imagine a future scene in your mind where you have achieved all of your goals and manifestations. 

Imagine you are this person with all of the qualities and characteristics you desire to have - living the life you dream of!

Take note of the following…

-How do you look? What are you wearing?

-How do you feel? What emotions are present?

-How are you carrying yourself?

-Where are you? 

-Who are you with?

To amplify the process, engage as many of your senses as possible. What can you hear, feel, taste and smell?

The more REAL the scene is, the more powerful the process becomes.

A purple and white header image that reads: Higher Self Practice - Step 4: Create a mental image

Step 5. Connect To The Energy Of Your Desires

As you continue to visualize, focus on the positive emotions associated with your highest self and what it feels like to have manifested your desires. For example; do you feel calm, satisfied and joyful?

Tapping into these feelings will help you become a vibrational match to your desires and activate the Law of Attraction. 

Allow yourself to fully experience these emotions and let them permeate every cell in your body ✨

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Step 6. Gratitude 

As you finish up the practice, spend a few moments anchoring into the feeling of gratitude you have for yourself and the life you have created in your future vision.

Feel the deep appreciation you have for your future manifestations.

Then, imagine pulling that gratitude from the future and bringing it into the now.

Be grateful for yourself today, and all the steps you are taking to get to where you want to be.

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Step 7. Daily Practice 

As with any successful practice, consistency is key!

To make this visualization part of your daily routine, you can set aside a specific time each day to practice. 

One way to do this is incorporating it just before falling asleep or first thing when you wake up to capitalize on your brain's more relaxed and receptive state. 

This is known as The Pillow Manifestation Method, and it can help you program yourself to manifest your desires.

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Tips for Enhancing Your Visualization Practice

As with any personal transformation of manifestation process, it's important to recognise that you will get the best results when you incorporating other practices as well.

Here are some additional tips you can use to enhance your results.

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Tip 1: Stay Present

The idea of visualizing your highest self and the future you want to create can sometimes be seen as more important than remaining present when in fact both are needed.

You need to be able to see the future you want to create and the ideal version of you that you want to become, but you also need to be able to bring yourself back to the present moment.

When you practice being present through practices like mindfulness and meditation, you allow the voice of your intuition to speak to you so you can receive clear messages about what actions you need to take in the physical 🪽

This is key to becoming your highest self and manifesting all of your desires with ease.

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Tip 2: Practice Gratitude

Another way to enhance your results is to incorporate gratitude into your everyday life.  

Similar to the point mentioned earlier about not wanting to get 100% fixated on making your future vision being more important than being present (both are needed), it’s important to practice gratitude for where you currently are and what you currently have.


This way, you won’t be trying to chase the future version of you because you aren’t satisfied with where you are now. This will only enhance the vibration of lack.

Instead, you need to find appreciation for yourself and your life and where you're currently at. 

Then, from this place, you can visualize your highest self and begin to show up as her, but you’ll be doing it from a place of energetic OVERFLOW.

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Tip 3: Show Up As Your Highest Self

This point really goes without saying…

In order to become your highest self you need to take action to show up as them!

In order to do this, tuning into those intuitive impulses and then taking action on a daily basis is key.

From a Law of Attraction and manifestation perspective, when you start to practice visualizing your highest self, you activate the vibration that will allow you to become them and start manifesting the life she has.

This is when your intuition kicks into gear and starts to give you signals on what action to take 🪽

Where lots of people get tripped up is not taking action on those signals. They feel the impulses but don’t act so they wind up in analysis paralysis.

In order to show up as your higher self, you need to start taking powerful affirmative action that says to the universe (and your brain) - I AM this person. 

A purple and white header image that reads: Higher Self Practice - Tip 3: Show up as your highest self

Tip 4: Use Additional Manifestation Techniques

When you think about all the reasons why you set out to visualize your highest self and become them, it's because, deep down, your soul wants to experience more from life.

You want to become the next level version of yourself you know you are inside!

And the secret to achieving this in the most aligned and organic way is to focus on manifesting it, not just through visualization but by using other manifestation practices as well. 

When you use additional manifesting practices in conjunction with visualization you are able to work on your energy more consistently.

For example: When you create a vision board that depicts your highest self living the life you want to live with the things you want to manifest.

You can look at your board multiple times throughout the day so you are CONTINUOUSLY changing your energy and vibration to align with what you want rather than just changing your energy when you are visualizing.

If you want to learn an entirely new way of creating vision boards that allows you to accelerate your manifesting.

Make sure you check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass.

A picture of a vision board depicting images of woman living her dream life promoting Juliette Kristine's Free Vision Board Masterclass where you can learn how to manifest with more ease and speed.

In this free 60 minute workshop I go deep into the inner workings of creating a vision board that actually works - including:

➤ How to choose powerful images that will make you FEEL like your desires are real.

➤ How many goals or life areas to focus on (too many can disrupt your manifesting!)

➤ What timeframe to create your board in. *This is super important if you want to stay in the energy of excitement.

➤ PLUS I also cover why you should never use photos of yourself on your board and what to do instead!

This training also covers how I manifested; Free Round The World Biz Class Flights, my Soulmate (after being single for 5 years straight), my Dream Home (identical to what I had on my vision board) and much much more.

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Visualizing your highest self has so many incredible benefits that can change your life including;

➤ Gaining clarity around what you want to achieve in your life and who you want to be.

➤ Staying focused on your goals. 

➤ Remaining motivated and consistent in your actions towards what you want.

➤ Rewiring your brain through neuroplasticity. 


Most importantly, it helps you to align with a version of yourself that exists as a representation of your truest potential.

The next level version of yourself, who you’ve always wanted to be and that your soul craves to experience. 

This is so much more than getting the things you want.

It's about living a truly fulfilling life!

As with any successful practice, consistency is key. Carve out time to start visualizing your highest self today - take action to become her and watch your life transform. 

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Juliette xx

A picture of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine's professional bio that includes information on her client successes stories as well as her regular appearnces in the media including Women's Health Magazine, Yoga Journal, Well + Good and many more.