How To Manifest Your Ideal Husband - A Manifestation Coach’s Guide

A photo of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine with her husband showing affection towards each other

If you’re looking to manifest your ideal husband you’ve come to the right place!

This guide goes deep into the power of manifestation and how to create a Husband Manifestation List to call in the perfect person for you!

Whether you’re new to manifesting or a seasoned pro who wants to go even DEEPER with your practice, you will learn a lot in this post!

But first

Did you see the recent episode of the Kardashian’s, where Kim Kardashian reads out her “Husband Manifestation List”?


I’m actually a fan of Kim’s (she would be my top pick if I were to have dinner with one of the K’s!), but I was a little surprised when I heard her list.

It's not that she said anything wrong, it's just that, from a vibrational perspective the way her list was worded and some of the things she included could prevent her ideal partner from manifesting and even attract what she doesn't want.

For example, a few of the things she mentioned were: "no mum and dad issues", "no heavy baggage" and "no balding".

Why is this a problem?

For a starters, you want to avoid using the word "no" on your manifestation list because when you do this you're actually drawing attention to the negative aspect that you're trying to get away from.

It's like putting the words "debt free" on your vision board.

This just perpetuates the vibration of debt, because a part of you is focusing on your debt, rather than its opposite - abundance.

Even though this seems like a small detail, it can have such a big impact!

For this reason at the end of this post I’ll also be sharing 5 x things I’d change about my Husband List if I were Kim Kardashian and wanted to see my manifestation happen.

This way you can see how to apply the knowledge from this post in a very practical way and make sure you’re creating your list CORRECTLY.

The Power Of Manifestation 

First things first, before I get into the steps, I want to start by saying there’s a lot of ‘generic’ manifestation content at the moment (thanks AI!) that might sound good when you first read it but doesn't end up getting the results you want.

Maybe this is where Kim got her husband list instructions from?

A lot of the time this is because the person (or machine) writing the content hasn’t actually manifested the thing they’re talking about. And there’s a big difference between learning from someone with LIVED experience vs following a set of “how to instructions” from a blogger who’s trying to rank for specific key words just to make money 💸.

How do I know?

Before I became a Manifestation Coach I was single for 5 years straight.

I remember crying in the back of taxis at 2 am wondering if I was ever going to meet the one…

I would go on date after date only to wind up so frustrated that either; I just wasn’t into the guy or he only wanted one thing! 

There was a total
mismatch of energy between what I was asking the universe for and what was showing up.

In the end, I manifested my ideal husband and soulmate and he was EVERYTHING I had written on my husband list.  

We’ve been together for over 15 years, have 2 beautiful girls (I also manifested my pregnancies) and we still hold hands every night when we watch TV together. *Which isn’t for very long because we have 2 kids ha!

A photo of manifestation coach Juliette Kristine with her husband in their house sat on the sofa

But, it's not just about me and my story…

Since becoming an Award Winning Manifestation Coach I’ve helped hundreds of people manifest their BIGGEST desires like these, including their ideal partner and relationship (even when they’d been single for years like I was).

See example manifestation successes below. I will include even more love manifesting stories later in this post…

Testimonial from a client of Juliette Kristine who manifested love
Testimonial from a client of Juliette Kristine who manifested love

Each of these stories are testament to the power of manifestation, how it can completely transform your life and help you to find your ideal husband!

And a key ingredient to making this possible is getting your Husband Manifestation List right!

A purple and white header image that reads: Husband Manifesting List: The power of manifestation lists

What Is A Husband Manifestation List? 

So what is a Husband Manifestation List, and how does it work?

You may have heard this term before or occasionally it's also called a “Soulmate List”.

In its simplest form, a Husband list, is a piece of paper that lists out and describes the ideal characteristics of a person you are looking to call-in and manifest.

They are perfect for manifesting love as they enable you to get really clear on some of the key attributes you are looking for in a person and relationship.

From a manifestation perspective, they work by….

1. Helping you to get clear on what you want

2. Placing your intentions out into the universe, and 

3. Ask for some very specific things that would otherwise be more difficult to achieve through practices like visualization alone. 

Something I will explain in more detail later is that; 

While a Manifestation List helps you to DECLARE what you want, it doesn’t do much to help you align with your desire energetically speaking.

For this reason, you need to use other manifestation techniques as well. 

A great place to start with this is a vision board because your vision board will help to ANCHOR you to your goals on a DAILY basis.

So as a rule of thumb - you use your Husband List to ask and declare and your Vision Board to align!

A purple and white header image that reads: Husband Manifesting List: What Is A Husband Manifestation List?

Speaking of which…

Once you’ve read through this post, if you want help creating a powerful vision board that helps you easily ALIGN with the energy of your desires…

I have a Free Vision Board Workshop which teaches you 3 very specific techniques for making a vision board that actually gets you results to manifest your husband rather than something that looks pretty - you can check this out here.

Examples Of What to put on A Husband List

Now, that you’re clear on what a Husband list is, and what it’s used for in the larger context of manifesting, let’s talk about what types of things you can put on your list (including an example from my own list).

Things that you might include on your list could be; physical attributes, personality traits, goals, values, location, career, health, family, children - whatever’s important to you!

One thing I wrote on my list before I manifested my husband was “like my best friend”.

This might sound like a simple statement but it’s had SUCH a big impact on my life and our relationship for the simple reason that…

We enjoy doing the same things!

An image of Manifestation coach Juliette Kristine with husband by their pool

Because we enjoy doing the same things, it's easy to stay close and connected (even after being together for 15 years and having 2 kids). 

We always have interesting things to say to each other, love going out on dates, and (most importantly) we laugh every day and have our own inside jokes.

Choosing a husband who’s a lover, a partner, and a best friend makes the relationship so much sweeter and helps you grow TOGETHER as a couple!

Sometimes the simplest things can have the biggest impact on your list!

How To Create Your Husband Manifestation List

Now let’s discuss how to write your list step by step!

Step 1. Get Clear On What You Want

Firstly, you want to spend time getting clear on what you want in a husband and in a relationship. *This is important as is not just about the person but about the relationship too!

Think about all the specific characteristics you want to call-in and write them down on a piece of paper.

This will act as a brain dump where you can finally get all of those thoughts onto paper and decide what’s REALLY important.

If you don’t know exactly what you want in a husband and relationship (this happens more often than you think in manifesting!)

A simple technique you can use to gain clarity is to divide a piece of paper into 2 sections and on one side write: “What I don’t want” and on the other side “What I do want instead”.

This may seem counterintuitive but by focusing your attention on making a list of what you don’t want it makes it MUCH easier to get clear on what you do want as that will naturally be the opposite.

For example: 

Say you want to manifest a relationship and partner who’s NOT like your ex.

Start by making a list of what you KNOW you don’t want by thinking of them and the relationship and what didn’t fulfill you.

What didn’t live up to your expectations?

Perhaps your ex wasn’t affectionate, didn’t support you in the way you wanted or they weren’t ambitious.

Write those things down so you can CLEARLY see that you want is someone:

Romantic, affectionate, supportive, hardworking and ambitious!

A purple and white header image that reads: Husband Manifesting List: Step 1 Get Clear On What You Want

Step 2 Simplify And Refine

Once you’ve gotten clear on all the aspects you’re wanting to call in, it's really important that you simplify and REFINE what you’re asking for.

Writing a Husband List that’s 3 pages long can block your manifestation!

Here’s a couple of reasons why…

1. Being too specific can cause extra resistance in your energy and vibration because you will start DOUBTING if your manifestation actually exists 🪄

Think about it…

If you have 3 full pages of notes listing all the specific things you want in a husband (some of them unnecessary) it's only natural that your mind will begin to question whether that's really possible…

You may start to think to yourself…

Does a guy like this REALLY exist?

 And that DOUBT you have around your manifestation will prevent it from manifesting!

2. The second reason you want to refine your list is because you always need to word your manifestation in a way that is OPEN so you aren’t cutting yourself off from receiving what’s for your highest good.

For example…

You may write down that your husband has to be blonde, 6ft tall with blue eyes.

But what if your ACTUAL soulmate and the man of your dreams has brown hair and brown eyes?

If you’re too specific like this you’ll remain closed off and won’t be OPEN to him when he appears!

A purple and white header image that reads: Husband Manifesting List: Step 2 Simplify And Refine

Step 3. Decide On A Date

Once you have refined all your ideas you want to come up with a date when you want to have manifested your husband by.

The trick to making this part of the process work is making sure that you BELIEVE the date you are writing down.

For example:

You wouldn't write that you want to manifest your husband next week when you’ve been struggling to manifest a relationship for quite some time, this won't feel believable to you and will actually take you out of alignment with what you want to attract.

Whenever I’m working with a client to write manifestation lists I can always FEEL the date intuitively by connecting with their energy.

It will come to me as a feeling or sensation or I see the date in my mind's eye.

The number of times the person has manifested the exact thing they wanted by the date I predicted is too many to count!

For this reason it's important to use your intuition when choosing the date.

It should feel true in your heart rather than what sounds good in your mind.

A purple and white header image that reads: Husband Manifesting List: Step 3 Decide On A Date

Step 4. Write Your Final Husband Manifestation List Out

Once you’ve gotten all your thoughts onto paper, refined your ideas and chosen a date you need to write out the final version of your list.

To do this, set aside some time when you know you will be undisturbed, light some candles, relax yourself and write your list out slowly and intentionally.

As you’re writing, pause and look at your vision board and IMAGINE your husband and the relationship you desire in great detail as this will start aligning you with your manifestation!

An image of Juliette Kristine with her vision board

When you’re done THANK the universe!

Practicing gratitude for your future manifestations takes you out of a space of longing and into one knowing!

A purple and white header image that reads: Husband Manifesting List: Step 4 Write Your Final Husband Manifestation List Out

Step 5. Let Go And Surrender

Lastly, you need to let go and get into the energy of SURRENDER around your manifestation!

Lots of manifesting resources will tell you that you need to re-read your list every day or write it out again and again (more generic advice!), but this can be counterproductive.

The reason why it can be counterproductive is that if you’re not in a state of surrender, then writing your list out again and again and again can put you in a needy and attached energy.

And you can’t be in an energy of “need” while being a vibrational match to what you want for it defies universal law.

A simple trick you can use to determine if you’re surrendered or not is to;

1. Close your eyes, 

2. Place your hand over your heart 

3. Think about your manifestation and ask yourself; Am I in an energy of NEED around this desire?

You will know if you are because it will feel like a pang in your heart 🖤

This is an indication that you need to surrender your desire to the universe.

With all the things I have manifested I’ve never had to re-read my list again and again or be obsessive about it. 

This is because; once I have written my list, I prioritize getting into a state of surrender and then use tools like my vision board to bring me into daily alignment with my desire so I can easily “let it go” without obsessing about it.

A purple and white header image that reads: Husband Manifesting List: Step 5 Let Go And Surrender

Speaking of which…

If you want to help create a powerful vision board that helps bring you into daily ALIGNMENT with the energy of your desires…

I have a Free Vision Board Workshop which teaches you 3 very specific techniques for making a vision board that actually gets you results to manifest your husband rather than something that looks pretty.

PLUS I also cover how I used vision boards to help me manifest;

➤ Free Round The World Business Class Flights, ✈️

➤ A Fully Booked Coaching Business,

➤ My Dream Home (identical to what I had on my vision board)

➤ A 6 Month (all expenses paid trip to Bali) and more…

Click here to join and watch.

Using Your Husband Manifestation List to Manifest Your Ideal Partner

Remember earlier in this post when I said that your Husband Manifestation List is a great tool for declaring what you want to the universe but you still need tools like a vision board to help you align?

Let’s go deeper into this subject and discuss some extra tips you can implement on a DAILY basis to get your manifestation list to work!

*Please note these are just daily tips and don’t include deeper work like removing energetic blocks, surrendering and tapping into your intuitive abilities, I mention these here in my online manifesting program.

Tip 1. Practice Visualization

Once you’ve created your vision board you can then use it as a tool to help you visualize your desired reality with your husband.

To do this you can practice staring at the images on your board and imagine what your life will be like when you’ve manifested your husband. Doing this will change your vibrational state and activate the Law of Attraction to start working for you!

For even better results you can do this process prior to sleep and upon waking when your brain is in a more receptive state (this is known as The Pillow Manifestation Method).

Tip 2. Repeat Positive Affirmations

Affirmations can be a great tool to help you train your subconscious mind and attract your desires with more ease.

In order to get them to work effectively it's important that they feel somewhat true and believable to you otherwise they can cause more resistance in your energy and vibration.

Repeating soulmate affirmations can be a great way to call in a husband that’s also your soulmate.

Tip 3. Gratitude

When it comes to manifestation and the Law of Attraction, it's important to recognise that the universe is responding to your VIBRATION.

When you are in a high vibrational state you will naturally attract things that are of like vibration.

Gratitude can be a wonderful way to raise your vibration and enhance your overall manifestation practice no matter what you’re trying to call in!

One trick to get the most out of your gratitude practice is to go DEEP rather than skim the surface.

What I mean by that is;

You will change your energy in a more significant way if you focus on a few things you’re grateful for and all the reasons why you're grateful for them as opposed to just writing out a list of 10 things!

5 Things I’d Change About My List If I Were Kim Kardashian

Ok, now for the fun part, here’s 5 things I would change about my list if I were Kim Kardashian and wanted to get my Husband List working properly…

1. Remove the word “no” from the list and any focus on a negative aspect

As I mentioned earlier using words like: “no mum and dad issues”, “no heavy baggage”, “no balding” draws your attention to what you don’t want and accentuates a pain point.

From an energetic perspective its like jumping up and down and saying “I don’t want this” “I don’t want this” “I don’t want this”, the Law of Attraction can’t distinguish between I don’t want and I do want, it just interprets your vibration and what you’re focused on.

So in this case it will activate the energy of what you don’t want. As the saying goes - what you resist, persists. For this reason I would remove the word no and anything focused on a negative aspect from the list.


Back to the point she mentioned about “no balding” when Kim brought this up in the episode she also said that if she loved the guy she wouldn’t mind if he was bald, so this was part of her ‘perfection list’.

What I would say if I were Kim is: “I am deeply and utterly attracted to him”.

This way you, don’t have to put “no balding” on the list, and you remain OPEN to the finer details about what he looks like.

It also means you aren’t being wishy washy by putting something on your list then at the same time saying you wouldn’t mind “in certain circumstances”.

This is like saying to the universe: '“Maybe I want this, maybe I don’t”. Its CONFUSING.

3. Refine And Condense Points

One trick to getting your list to work more effectively is to make sure you condense the points as mush as possible - this way you don’t end up with a list that’s 3 pages long and makes you doubt and think…

Does this person REALLY exists?

Kim mentions some points which I would refine and condense. For example she mentions “protect me” and “fight for me”.

Keeping with the advice in point 1, (removing any focus on the negative aspect and what you don’t want to attract) I would put:

“An incredible supporter and protector”.

Using words like “fight for me” could have you attract someone who literally fights for you.

Using the word “support” gives the indication this person stands up for you in more ways than one.

4. Include Some Foundational aspects for long lasting love

I didn’t catch Kim talking about anything foundational that could assist in creating a long lasting relationship.

For example, when I wrote my manifestation list for my husband I said: “like my best friend”, this was such a key phrase because it has so many layers of meaning -

He supports my business, my aspirations, we enjoy doing the same things, we laugh all of the time…

These aspects matter in a relationship when you want it to go the distance and be long lasting. Relationships break down when there is a lack of communication and connection. And this is even harder to build and foster when you have children and run a successful business because - you have so many different things competing for your time!

For this reason I would add: “like my best friend” to the list or think about adding something around “similar interests” as this naturally keeps you engaged in the same activities together!

5. Put A Date On It

Lastly, I would put a date on it! And use the words “in this lifetime please”.

Having a list without a date on it is like jumping in a car to go somewhere you’ve never been before without putting the address in the GPS.

Writing down all the things you want is great but its going to be even more powerful when you put your date on it!

And Kim… if you need an expert manifestation coach to guide you on what else you need to do to help this materialise - this is one of my specialties


Using a Husband Manifestation List is a great way to help you to get clear on what you want, place your intentions out into the universe, and ask for some very specific things you want in a husband and relationship that would otherwise be more difficult to achieve through practices like visualization alone. 

Its important to remember though that your list is just one piece of the manifesting puzzle.

For best results use them in conjunction with a tool like a vision board to ALIGN your energy on a daily basis, and make sure you’re still focused on other aspects like overcoming energetic blocks and bringing yourself into a state of surrender!


If you want to learn how to create a vision board that will set you up for success with your manifesting right from the very beginning!

Come and join me inside my Free Vision Board Workshop so you can learn my secrets for creating a vision board that helps you quickly align with your desires!

Click here to join and watch.

Juliette xx