Manifestation Coach - How To Choose The Right LOA COACH For You!

4 things to consider when choosing the right Manifestation Coach for you!

Manifestation Coaching is fast becoming the next big thing for those wanting to create quantum leaps in their life.


Pay rises, lucrative business deals, big name clients, media appearances, romantic partners, and even free round the world business class flights!

But how do you know which Manifestation Coach is the right one for you?

In this article I’m going to break down the 4 things you need to look for when choosing a Law of Attraction Coach to help you manifest your desires.

Manifestation Coach - How To Choose The Right Law Of Attraction Coach For You!

1. Results

I think this goes without saying but the first thing you want to look at when choosing a LOA coach is the results they achieve for their clients

This can be as simple as; checking the testimonial section on their website, scrolling through their social media and looking at their reviews online.

When looking at the client testimonials ask yourself:

Have these people manifested the types of things I want to attract?

For example: If you are wanting to attract money, abundance and clients for your business but the testimonials are primarily around manifesting weight loss this coach might not be the best fit for you.

Alternatively, if you are wanting to manifest things in a range of different areas and you can find evidence of these all of these things you know you are onto a winner ⚡️

Do these people share a similar story to me?

Just as important as seeing the results you want to achieve, is the transformation the clients experienced.

The reason this is paramount is because, you want to be sure that the coach you are choosing can help you in the areas you need help with. 

For example: If you know that you struggle with manifesting blocks, then it goes without saying that you want to see these things mentioned in the testimonials!

2. Energy

You will get so much more out of the experience if the Manifesting Coach you choose to work with has the type of energy you resonate with. 

For example:

Do you want someone who is high energy and going to kick your butt into gear? 🦹🏽‍♀️

Or, do you like the idea of a coach who is calm and intuitive? 🧜🏻‍♀️

Whichever you prefer, it's important that you; like this person’s vibe, feel comfortable talking to them and they make you excited for the journey you are about to go on! Otherwise what’s the point right!?

You should be able to get a pretty good gauge on a coach's energy by reading through their website, looking at their social media and, most importantly, booking a discovery call!

3. Integrity

I don’t know about you but integrity is one of my top 5 values and it doesn’t matter who I’m choosing to work with this will always be a deciding factor!

So how do you find a LOA coach who has integrity?

Here are 3 factors to consider:

1. Credentials

Have they studied? Do they have a background in Manifesting, Law of Attraction or Coaching?

The reason why this is important is because if you want to work with an actual “coach” the person should have studied coaching so they are in fact, a trained coach!

*The word “coach” can be thrown around a lot these days and if someone hasn’t done the proper study what they are really doing is mentoring or guiding you rather than coaching.

I’m not suggesting that one title is better than the other, but it’s a good idea to confirm so you know what you’re getting and what to expect.

2. They walk their talk

Is the coach you are looking to work with manifesting things in their own life? Are they walking their talk and teaching from a place of personal experience and knowledge rather than just telling you what to do?

These are important questions to ask!

3. Honesty

Do you feel they are being honest and realistic about what you can achieve? Manifesting can take longer for people who don’t have as much m o m e n t u m in their energy and vibration.

4. Techniques 

Believe it or not there are actually a lot different techniques that can be employed in order to help someone manifest something….

For example: 

Some Manifesting Coaches swear by using tools like the 3 x 33 method (I personally don’t agree with this because it can just put you in a more needy and attached energy with what you’re trying to attract 😩!) while others use EFT tapping to help their clients get the results they are after.

What’s important to note here is if you’ve already tried a specific technique and either; a) didn’t like it, or b) get the results you desired, you obviously want to choose a coach who has something different to offer you!

5. Intuition

Last but not least, you want to use your intuition when deciding who is the right Manifestation Coach for you!

Because at the end of the day your intuition is never going to steer you wrong.

In fact, it is your intuition that is constantly guiding you and helping you to manifest your desires you just need to tune in and listen to it!

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

If you are interested in learning about how I work as a Manifestation Coach and the specific tools and techniques I use please check out my blog below…