Money Manifestation: 4 Steps To Attract more Money & Abundance


Money manifestation and attracting abundance
is one of my favourite topics to discuss for the simple reason that 👇🏼

We live in a vibrational universe governed by the law of attraction which states:

That which is like unto itself is drawn. 

This means that whatever you are putting “out there” energetically will come back to you as your reality 💫

So, in order to manifest more money and abundance into your experience you FIRST need to be able to match the energetic frequency of abundance!

This can be a tricky situation because...

How can you match the energetic frequency of abundance when you are lacking in that area to begin with?

In my years as a Manifestation Coach & Expert helping many people in this area (as well as overcoming my own challenges with money and abundance), I have found that there are 4 key steps that need to be taken in order to match the energetic frequency of abundance and invite it into your experience!

Money Manifestation: 4 Steps To Attract MONEY & ABUNDANCE


While it might seem strange to look at all areas of your life when you are trying to manifest money and abundance, it's important to remember that the universe is always responding to your vibration as a WHOLE 🍏

This means, if you have something going on in your relationship or with your health, that energy can actually BLOCK your ability to receive abundance in your life.

Because at the end of the day, you aren’t exactly going to be vibrating at high frequency while you feel DRAINED in other areas of your life.

This is why it's so important to begin the manifestation process by looking for clues as to where your energy might be STUCK or BLOCKED 🔎

Because the moment you TAKE ACTION in that area, will be the moment your energy starts moving, which will help the money and abundance start to FLOW.

Some key questions to ask yourself would be:

1. What area in my life do I feel stuck (even if its not related to money)?

2. What small action can I take to create positive change in that area?

After you have spent time answering those questions, begin by taking action IMMEDIATELY, because the QUICKER you can SHIFT your energy, the QUICKER you will reap the REWARDS! 💸



If you have a LACK mentality then all of the vision boards and positive affirmations in the world will not help you manifest the money and abundance you desire!

This is why, one of the first things I recommend doing when you start manifesting is to DIG DEEP and uncover the SUBCONSCIOUS PROGRAMS and LIMITING BELIEFS that are keeping you stuck.

These could be beliefs such as:

It’s hard to make money.

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

I don’t deserve to be wealthy or successful.

You see, if you’ve got anyone of these beliefs buried in your subconscious, it’s going to be really DIFFICULT to manifest the money and abundance you desire, because the signal you’re sending out to the universe contradicts what you’re trying to attract!

For example: If you believe that, “It’s hard to make money”, but at the same time you are asking the universe to send you an ABUNDANCE of money, you’re sending out mixed messages 🙅🏻‍♀️

The good news is, once there is AWARENESS around what the belief is that’s BLOCKING you, you then have the power to change it!

A simple manifestation technique I teach in my online manifesting course, is to write out the negative belief and then find as much evidence in your experience as possible to prove that belief wrong.

Once you can see that the belief is not real, you can then create a new (positive) belief and affirm it to yourself daily!



Once the subconscious mind is in agreement with what the conscious mind is trying to create, the third step is to focus on abundance!

You have probably heard the saying: what you focus on grows, well, the same thing is true when you’re trying to activate the vibration of something. 

The more you focus on it, the more you activate the vibration of it 🌱

This might sound simple enough but it’s actually the part where a lot of people can get STUCK.

And here’s why... 

When it comes to focusing on what you want using manifestation, MOST people try and focus on the area of their life that they want to IMPROVE, rather than what’s ALREADY going right.

 An example of this would be someone who wants to manifest more money so they spend their time being GRATEFUL for the money they do have. 

The BIG problem with this is, if the money is in short supply, there’s a good chance they won’t really believe what they’re saying and will just ENHANCE the feeling of lack 😩

So it won’t work!

 A far better way to go about it would be to focus on the area of their life that is ALREADY abundant!

This could be anything from a loving relationship, to a job that lights them up in a million pieces.

Moral of the story...

Wherever abundance is already evident, focus your attention there to activate the vibration of more abundance.



The last and final step to attract more money and abundance into your life is to practice the FEELING of abundance!

The reason this step is so important is because; you need to feel abundant to receive abundance!

So how do you feel abundant?

Here are some of my favourite ways:

➤ Rekindle your relationship with money by always keeping a $100 bill in your wallet that you don’t spend. So often we walk around with zero money in our wallets and use our cards to pay for things but an EMPTY wallet can actually ENHANCE the feeling of LACK.

➤ Throw away items that make you feel less than abundant - goodbye daggy undies!

➤ Upgrade your hotel room, plane ticket or movie seats when you can.

➤ Buy the more luxurious brand of toilet paper ;)

All of these small actions have the power to make you FEEL more abundant on a daily basis and in doing so, alter your vibrational frequency.  

A final word on money manifestation and attracting abundance…

Remember to stay joyful 💫

So much of manifesting what your heart desires stems from being able to have fun and access the joy state!


Juliette xx

PS One of the things that helped me the most on my journey to attracting more money and abundance was creating vision boards. I found that when I created a board the ‘right way’, it would quickly change my energy and vibration to attract more good things to me. This could be in the form of new clients, surprise gifts, unexpected money and so on.

In fact, vision boards were one of the things that helped me become fully booked in my coaching business (without spending any money on fb ads or marketing) and manifest free round the world business class flights!

If you’re interested in learning more about my unique vision board process come and check out my free vision board masterclass.