10 Reasons to see a Life Coach Today

10 Reasons to see a Life Coach Today

Since becoming a Life Coach people often ask me what it is I "do" exactly. While the word Life Coach may be very well known, there still seems to be a large number of people struggling to understand what the process involves and what the benefits are. 

If you have found yourself wondering the same thing, let me break it down for you:

How to attract a loving relationship

How to attract a loving relationship

News flash for my single ladies, if the title of this blog post: How to attract a loving relationship caught your attention it could be the reason you're still single. What I mean by that is; if you are constantly thinking about the fact you don't have a relationship, from a manifestation point of view, you are coming from a place of lack. 

5 Ways to raise your vibration and attract more money and success

5 Ways to raise your vibration and attract more money and success

We have all had those days where everything seemed to just flow. Days where we were exceptionally lucky. Whether it was because we found a rockstar car spot, a pair of Jimmy Choos on sale or got offered a promotion. I’m sure we can all agree some days are luckier than others.

But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why?