10 Best Crystals For Manifesting Love (Expert Guide)

10 Best Crystals For Manifesting Love (Expert Guide)

Looking for the best crystals for manifesting love?

Crystals can be a wonderful way to ENHANCE the vibration of certain things you want to attract.

You can use them for manifesting money, career or business success and yes, even - love

How To Manifest Your Dream Job And Salary (6 Step Formula)

How To Manifest Your Dream Job And Salary (6 Step Formula)

Manifesting a new job is great but what’s even better is being able to attract your dream job and the salary you desire!

In this guide I’m going to be sharing my 6 step (proven) formula for manifesting your ultimate dream job and that lucrative salary you’ve been dreaming about.

Check out these actual results… 👉🏼

Law of Assumption: The New Way To Manifest (A Complete Guide)

Law of Assumption: The New Way To Manifest (A Complete Guide)

Over the last 18 months The Law Of Assumption has been gaining speed in manifesting circles.

In fact a quick look at Google will show you that this search term has experienced a huge spike since 2021 📈

So why (out of all the laws of the universe) is this particular one suddenly capturing everyone's attention?

Manifestation Box: A Simple (But Complete) Guide

Manifestation Box: A Simple (But Complete) Guide

Manifestation boxes can be a wonderful way to channel your energy when you have specific things you want to attract into your life.

They can be used to help you increase your chances of manifesting certain things like: a healthy pregnancy and baby or new love interest or, you can use them in a more general sense to collect and store images for ‘things you’d like to have or experience one day’

Abundance Meditation: Expand Your Capacity To Manifest Abundance

Abundance Meditation: Expand Your Capacity To Manifest Abundance

Do you ever feel like there's something blocking you from manifesting your desires?

Like the universe has turned the abundance tap off and nothing seems to F L O W.

This is an incredibly powerful way to release stuck energy and ALLOW abundance to manifest again…

How To Create A Canva Vision Board That Will Skyrocket Your Manifesting!

How To Create A Canva Vision Board That Will Skyrocket Your Manifesting!

If you’ve ever wondered how some people get their vision boards to look like they were created by a graphic designer, the answer is (drumroll)... Canva.

Gone are the days when you need to collect a bunch of old school magazines, scissors, glue and plaster board to sit there for hours trying to create a scrapbook version of your ideal life.

Today, all you need to create a powerful working vision board is Canva (and a little help from Pinterest!)…

How To Quickly Cleanse And Charge Your Crystals For Manifesting

How To Quickly Cleanse And Charge Your Crystals For Manifesting

Got some new crystals ready to use?

Before you jump in and start incorporating them into your manifesting practice it’s important that you take a moment to cleanse and charge your crystals.


Think of your crystals as if they were a real living person (yes, they’re alive!)…

33 Of The Best Soulmate Affirmations To Attract LOVE (Today)

33 Of The Best Soulmate Affirmations To Attract LOVE (Today)

Soulmate affirmations are a wonderful tool to help you attract your soulmate and the loving relationship you desire.

They can help you focus on what you want, bring you into vibrational alignment with your desire and even shift your negative beliefs.

But… Not all soulmate affirmations are created equal…

How To Create A Business Vision Board (That Actually Works!)

How To Create A Business Vision Board (That Actually Works!)

Have you ever considered creating a Business Vision Board?

A board where you can depict all of your business goals, dreams and aspirations in a way that helps you to stay motivated and inspired while ALIGNING you with the energy of what you want so it all begins to manifest for you?

Vision boards aren’t just a ‘one time of year’ thing or a special practice reserved for the new moon…

Can You Manifest Clear Skin? A Complete Guide (With Clear Skin Affirmations)

Can You Manifest Clear Skin? A Complete Guide (With Clear Skin Affirmations)

Have you ever wondered if you can manifest clear skin?

My answer is YES!

From a law of attraction and manifestation perspective, everything is energy so it doesn’t matter what area of your life you are looking to transform, it can be done when you know how to apply yourself properly and use the right techniques…